Curiosity suits You

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Eric's voice cut through the air, carrying a weight of seriousness. "Avery, you need to understand, the Luccese family runs one of the most powerful and dirtiest businesses in the city. They prefer not to dirty their own hands but use everything and everyone around them to get what they want."

I tried to mask my surprise, maintaining an air of composure. "What do you mean?"

"The Lucceses are more than just hosts. They dabble in shady things, out of your understanding– manipulation, orchestrating illegal gigs, and helping dangerous folks meet their ends. It's not straightforward, but they're like puppet masters, pulling strings behind. Connor? He'll toss you into danger without batting an eye. He's indifferent which makes him more dangerous."

"I'm just a construction consultant, Eric. I'll do my job and be done."

"Avery, sometimes it's the innocent ones who become the most useful pawns."

The air grew heavy with Eric's revelation. "The Luccese siblings have ties that go deep, and they're willing to let people be collateral damage to them."

"The Black Serpents?" I blurted out.

Eric straightening up, locking eyes with me. He stubbed out his cigarette, a wry smile playing on his lips. "You're a lot more curious than you pretend to be, Avery."

I shifted uncomfortably, feeling the weight of his gaze. He probably understood that I have embarrassingly read every news website. "I just want to understand what I've stepped into." 

A heavy silence lingered before I gathered the courage to break it. "How many siblings are they?"

"Three," Eric responded tersely, his expression guarded. The weight of unspoken stories hung in the air, and I couldn't help but wonder what complexities hid beneath the surface of the seemingly affluent Luccese family. My curiosity, fueled by a splash of wine and a dash of liquid courage, propelled me to break the stifling quiet.

"What happened between you and Connor?" I asked, my words punctuating the stillness.

Eric's eyes remained fixed on the distant horizon, a subtle sign that he was wrestling with his own memories. He didn't answer immediately, leaving me on the edge of anticipation.

Fighting the urge to pry further, I got up and nudged him gently, a silent plea for him to unravel the mystery. The room seemed to hold its breath, waiting for Eric to break the silence.

"Come on, spill it," I insisted, the wine lending a hint of boldness to my tone. "You're the one who keeps telling me to stop working for Connor. What's the deal between you two?"

Eric finally turned his gaze toward me, his eyes reflecting a tumult of emotions. "Do you always have to be so difficult, especially when you're..." he paused, searching for the right words, "imbibing."

I scoffed, "I'm not drunk, just a bit... courageously expressive."

He chuckled, a sound that held a mix of amusement and exasperation. "Alright, let's say I tell you. What's in it for me?"

I know he was trying to avoid telling me. I didn't want to push him. I went along with it.

Suddenly, Eric's focus shifted outside, as if the ghosts of the past were playing out before him. "The Black Serpents once launched a massive attack on one of our largest arms warehouses," he began, his voice laden with the weight of memories. "We were completely unprepared for it."

My eyes widened with the revelation. "Was it Dominic Luccese?" I asked, my mind racing to connect the dots.

A painful sigh escaped Eric, his hands finding rest on the windowsill. "Sierra." he uttered, the name hanging in the air like a key to another lock.

Sierra? Eric let out a scoff, his tone filled with cynical amusement. "Do you really think Dominic and Connor would have any clue about a Moretti arms warehouse?" he retorted, dismissing the idea with a touch of disdain.

"But how did Sierra know about the warehouse?" 

Eric responded with a tinge of regret but an apparent lack of emotion, "Because I took her there. It was a stupid move."

My mind was a tornado of thoughts, swirling with the possibility of a connection between Eric and Sierra. Swiftly pushing aside the notion, a twinge of insecurity and jealousy nestled into my chest. Comparing myself to Sierra felt like an exercise in futility – her beauty was undeniable, and I couldn't help but wonder how I could ever measure up.

Frustration bubbled inside me, urging Eric to spill the secrets he held. I nudged his hand, silently comforting him and asking for more information. "What happened?" I questioned, eyes locked on his. The moments stretched as he gathered his thoughts, and then, finally, he met my gaze. His intense gaze locked onto mine, shadows hinting at unspoken pain. 

Just as I anticipated his revelation, a playful spark replaced the somberness. A sudden touch on my waist, accompanied by a chuckle, hinted at a shift in atmosphere. "You're quite petite." he remarked, fingers gently tracing my side.

His observation took me by surprise but not unexpected. Of course, I could never compare to someone like Sierra. She was slender, broad bonny shoulders accompanied by voluptuous curves. Not to mention her gorgeous tan skin and her impressive height. She looked like she was coming straight out of a modeling gig. I was way shorter, paler, smaller and skinnier, with average curves. Nothing spectacular. I worked a 9 to 5 job and barely put in much effort in my looks.

Caught off guard, I attempted to seize his wrist, ready to persist with my questions.  

"What happ-" Before I could finish, Eric, defying my expectations, bridged the gap, his lips crashing onto mine. In that unexpected moment, the world faded, and a whirlwind of confusion and longing swept through my mind.

In that suspended moment, time lost its significance. Eric's lips pressed against mine, igniting a fire that burned through my skin. His kiss was an intoxicating blend of passion and suppression of being rougher, as I understood.

His fingers, warm against my waist, pulled me closer, erasing the invisible boundaries that had kept us apart. The world outside ceased to exist as the kiss deepened. 

I had no idea that I longed for his touch. His lips were softer than I had ever imagined. His breath was sweet and I could not get enough. He traced his fingers towards my ribs and it sent a jolt of electricity and eagerness through me. I tried to match his height by putting my weight on my toes but failed miserably. I'm pretty sure he bent down slightly without breaking the kiss when he realized my failed attempt at being taller.

 I'm pretty sure he bent down slightly without breaking the kiss when he realized my failed attempt at being taller

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*A/N - Pretend it's dark outside in the picture, lol.*

As our lips finally parted, a breathless tension fell on my face. Eric's gaze, now tinged with a hint of being turned on but restraining, "Curiosity suits you." he murmured, his fingers tracing a delicate path along my cheek. 

I hesitated to shatter the fragile intimacy of the moment. The taste of our kiss still lingered. My feminine urge to know and unravel what happened surrounding Sierra, and their shared history intensified, but I lacked the heart to broach the subject.



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