How & Why?

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After eating dinner and downloading many videos on survival and different - different techniques like swordsmanship , spear , bow and arrow . how to make those stuff to plus cement and other stuff.
everyone went to sleep except me . I was practicing javaling throws and looking around in the system  screen and what I found was shocking as well as sad.
there was an total population of human as well as human population left .
total human population only 2 days before was  around 8.3 billion . now it was 8.26billion.
and it was still going down which means 40 million humans have already been killed even before the monsters arrived.
then I went to sleep and woke up around 9 .
then we ate breakfast  and stole more stuff like gas and weapons from other House's.  and now only 21 minutes were left.  In that time Dad claimed 2 more houses . and put them in full attack just in case .
now only 10 seconds left .
boom nothing happened , is what we thought but then they spawned .  oh Yeah christine also woke up from the blast.[ her skills are Species controller - Can control any species except humans and humanoid creatures.]

And then we saw our first goblin , then second  and 3rd and  then more than 70. f#ck.

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