21: Exploration Convention Hall

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"So, let's get back on track," Yifan steered the conversation back to its original topic. "Why do need the artifact?"

The atmosphere in the Horizon Conference Room turned serious. Both parties were sure what they were about to discuss was no laughing matter.

"The Kingdom of Hallyu is being invaded and is on the brink of being annihilated," Ace Spa revealed. "Only the Supreme Six and the Twilight Triad stand between the fall of Hallyu and the Novus Red Force."

"Novus Red Force?" Jongin and the rest were startled.

"Yes. The ones who are invading our kingdom call themselves the Novus Red Force. The Novus Red Force, led by Origin, suddenly appeared out of nowhere and mercilessly started their offensive against Hallyu," Karina explained. "Is something the matter?"

"Well, we don't know if it is a coincidence or not but Exoplanet's archenemy ─ our archenemy ─ was called the Red Force. And it took us hundreds of years and a few painful sacrifices for us to defeat them," Junmyeon mentioned.

"Wait. Didn't our reconnaissance discover a fully functioning Red Force laboratory in the desert lands a few weeks ago?" Jongdae recalled.

"According to the reports, Activity was detected in an abandoned Red Force laboratory. When they raided the laboratory, they found no one but discovered traces of usage on the cloning machines," Xiumin added the details. "The laboratory was demolished shortly afterward."

"I don't like where this might be going," Luhan rubbed his temples.

"While I have no concrete proof, I have a strong reason to believe that Novus Red Force in Hallyu and Red Force here in Exoplanet have a direct connection," Yifan gritted his teeth. "We must send an alert to all members of the Arcanus Alliance to be vigilant about any unusual activities, especially those concerning their archenemies."

"Ok, so going back to Hallyu, what's your current situation?" Junmyeon inquired.

"As I said earlier, most members of our Entente Cordiale are already severely injured. As our last resort before involving the Arcanus Alliance directly, we were sent to the Premier Ten to retrieve a magical artifact that was entrusted to its members," Giselle said.

"I see. The situation in Hallyu is so dire that you had to resort to using the artifact," Chanyeol hissed.

"Thus, we have no time to lose. The artifact is actually safely stored in a high-security room in Exploration Convention Hall," Yifan mentioned. "Don't worry. Jongin could teleport us there."


Jongin, the Guardian Legend of Travel, effortlessly teleported them to the lobby of the Exploration Convention Hall in just a blink of an eye.

"Welcome to Exploration Convention Hall. This was supposed to be the venue of the last Arcanus Alliance Convention but we had no choice but to pass the hosting duties to Hallyu due to our Hymeneal and the discovery of the functioning Red Force Laboratory," Yifan clarified as he was the one responsible for handling Arcanus Alliance matters.

"This place is absolutely beautiful!" Ace Spa was mesmerized. "Congratulations on your Hymeneal by the way."

"Thank you. Also, Zitao designed the whole place," Yifan proudly shared, gaining the expected response from Ace Spa. "Now, please, let's proceed to the Premier Room where the artifact is stored."

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