10: Greenhouse

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The flight took nearly fifteen hours to complete. While that sounded tiring, the fact that the Special A Class and Temp Fist were flying in Takishima Group's private jet made everything significantly more comfortable.

The jet landed at the destination in seven in the morning. Upon arrival, they transferred to a limousine which will transport them to Hakusen Academy.

"Would you like to make a courtesy call to the office of the school directress?" Kei asked Temp Fist.

"Most certainly," Lew agreed.

"I already informed my mother beforehand. She will be waiting in her office for our arrival," Tadashi informed everyone.

"I don't intend to sound disrespectful, but Tadashi-sama, your mother is the school directress?" Hanbin inquired.

"Well, yeah. It just turned out that way," Tadashi confirmed bashfully.

It wasn't long before they arrived. They disembarked from the limousine just outside the front gate of the campus as it was not allowed for any vehicles to enter the school premises. As soon as they entered the threshold of the academy, all eyes were on them especially considering that unfamiliar individuals were with members of the Special A Class.

Passing through a curious crowd of students, they finally reached the office of the school directress.

Tadashi knocked before opening the door, "Mother, our special visitors are here."

"Welcome, everyone, to Hakusen Academy," the school directress greeted. "I am Karino Sumire, the school directress."

"It's We! Hello, we are Temp Fist! It's our honor to meet you."

"I heard from Tadashi that you are coming, but what brings you here to our humble academy?" Sumire inquired.

"Pardon our sudden visit but we have important business to attend with the Honorable Special A," Hanbin courteously replied.

"Is that so?" Sumire nodded. "SA, I leave them with your capable hands."

"If there is nothing else, we would be heading to the Greenhouse."


After the courtesy call, the members of Special A gave them a tour of the school grounds.

"Welcome to our humble abode," Hikari ushered Temp Fist into the Greenhouse.

The Greenhouse is a special place provided to the SA. The SA spends most of their time in the Greenhouse which is one of the most peaceful places in the school. It has a high glass ceiling and an expensive table set where the SA have their tea and lunch.

"Please make yourselves comfortable," Akira offered. "Tsuji and I will be preparing a quick brunch for everyone."

While the meal was being prepared, Tadashi opened a conversation to kill the time.

"So, do you mind telling us who is pulling off an attack on the reputable Kingdom of Hallyu?" Tadashi inquired.

"They call themselves the Novus Red Force. Other than their names and powers, we do not have any other information about them," Lew provided the information. "Although, their leader, Origin, seems to have extensive knowledge about our kingdom. He even made references to Hallyu's Golden Age during our confrontations."

"Well, I hope that is not related to that, but several months ago, there was an intrusion to Special A's exclusive archives containing important information regarding the Premier Ten and the parallel dimensions," Hikari reported. "And since we were unable to attend the last Arcanus Alliance Convention due to external threats to the SA and our lack of magical resources, we were unable to send a report to the Alliance regarding this matter."

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