20: Eri Central Office

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Ace Spa appeared in front of a tall skyscraper; the building was quite unusual as its entire first floor was a parking lot.

"This is quite a developed civilization. I wonder which universe did we land in?" Giselle muttered as she looked around.

"We can ask the guard for information," Ningning suggested. "The sooner we establish our location, the sooner we know which universe we are in and who to look for."

Convinced by Ningning's reason, Ace Spa walked closer to the personnel guarding the entrance and exit of the parking lot.

"Good morning. May we ask where we are right now?" Winter asked the guard; she was still speaking Hallyu's language.

"This is the Eri Central Office. Do you have any appointments with any of the Guardian Legends?" the guard questioned back.

"So, this is where we can find the Guardian Legends of Exoplanet?" Karina blurted out of excitement.

"Uhm, yes?" the guard looked at them suspiciously.

"Sorry about the confusion. She had a little too much drink last night," Giselle vouched for their leader.

"Well, if you have an appointment with the Guardian Legends, please circle back to the other side of the building, the main entrance is there," the parking guard instructed them. "You can also ask them if you have further questions."

"Thank you for that information."

Ace Spa scampered away from the suspecting eyes of the guard.

"Just our luck to be dropped in a nearby location as our target," Ningning giggled.

"Even I couldn't believe it myself. That is why I wasn't able to hold my reaction back," Karina chuckled.

After a short walk, they reached the main entrance of the building. Just like the other guard had said, there is another guard office on this side.

"Good morning. Welcome to the Eri Central Office. Do you have any appointments?" the guard inquired.

"Yes. We are here for the Arcanus Alliance," Winter tried using the keyword since they were in the right location.

"Ah, the Bureau of Arcanus Alliance. The Department of Diplomatic and Foreign Affairs is on the seventh floor. You may take the elevators up ahead," the guard told them.

"Thank you for your assistance."

As per instructions, they rode the elevator toward the seventh floor. It was only a short ride and the receptionist's area was what welcomed them as soon as the doors opened. However, there was no receptionist in sight so they had to find the office themselves. Thankfully, there were signs near the doors so they were able to find the Department of Diplomatic and Foreign Affairs on the left end of the hallway.

They carefully entered the Office of the Department of Diplomatic and Foreign Affairs, wary that they might be bypassing some protocols. Inside the office were two cuddling males, which was a shocking sight for Ace Spa.

"Sorry for disturbing..." Karina broke the silence while trying to gain their employees' attention.

The two immediately rose from their seating position and welcomed the guests, "Welcome to the Department of Diplomatic and Foreign Affairs. I am Osaki Shotaro and this is Jung Sungchan; we are the co-assistant chiefs of the Department and co-executive assistants to the Bureau of Arcanus Alliance."

"Shotaro-seonbaenim and Sungchan-seonbaenim?" the four members of Ace Spa were in greater shock since the people standing in front of them had an uncanny resemblance to their legendary seniors in Essim. At this point, they were not expecting another bigger shock to come their way.

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