15: Quelpart Island

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Jeansnew next found themselves across the road from a palace. Trusting the accuracy of their information and the precision of the teleporter, they assumed that the palace in front of them was the seat of power for the Carat Kingdom.

"Good early afternoon. Is this the palace of the Carat Kingdom?" Minji asked the palace guard inside the gate.

"Yes. Is there anything you need?" the palace guard replied.

"May we speak to King Han Sungsoo?" Hanni requested.

"Can we ask for the reason?" the other palace guard countered.

"Please tell him we are from the Kingdom of Hallyu for a Premier Ten concern," Danielle told the palace guard.

"Very well. We will inform him about your presence," the first palace guard said. "Please wait for his response."

Jeansnew had no other choice but to wait from outside the gates.


Han Sungsoo was attending to important matters in his throne room when a palace helper interrupted his work.

"Your Majesty, a group of five women wishes to have an audience with you," a palace helper told the king.

"Do you have their identities?" Sungsoo asked.

"According to the guards, they claim to be from the Kingdom of Hallyu and they are here for a Premier Ten concern," the palace helper supplied.

The mention of the place of origin and affiliation perked Han Sungsoo's ears, "Let them in. They could be important visitors."

"We'll let the palace guards at the gate know right away."


"Good news. The King has granted you an audience. He will be waiting at the throne room," the two palace guards opened the gate. "Welcome to the palace."

Another palace guard escorted them from the gates and into the palace. It wasn't long before Jeansnew was standing before Han Sungsoo. Jeansnew was stunned due to the familiar face in front of them.

"Your capelets... you must be..." Sungsoo trailed off.

"Attention! Hello, we are Jeansnew!"

"Good afternoon, Honorable Han Sungsoo. We are Jeansnew, one of the Supreme Six of Hallyu."

"Welcome to Carat Kingdom. I am Han Sungsoo. What brings you to our alternate universe?"

"We sincerely apologize for the sudden visit but we really need your help," Minji, the eldest, spoke on behalf of the group

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"We sincerely apologize for the sudden visit but we really need your help," Minji, the eldest, spoke on behalf of the group. "The Kingdom of Hallyu is being invaded and the Supreme Six and Twilight Triad cannot handle the threat anymore. That is why we are sent here to retrieve a magical artifact that was entrusted to your kingdom for safekeeping."

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