Y/N and Izuku suddenly start to run towards Bakugo.

Death Arms: Stop! You two will get yourselves killed!

Y/N: Izu! 

Izuku: Yeah!

Sludge: These brats...!

Bakugo: Deku and TNT...?

Y/N propels himself up in the air, as he grabs the sludge's eyes together and jumps behind the villain and starts to pull them. This allows Bakugo to free his face and be able to breathe properly.

With Izuku, he starts to claw at the sludge.

Bakugo: Why are you two here?!

Izuku: My legs moved on their own! And I'm sure that's what happened with Y/N too!

There were actually various reasons.

Voices start to echo in Izuku's head.

Doctor: Sorry kid, that can't happen.

Bakugo: How can you even think to stand in the same ring as me?

Young Izuku: He's such a cool hero.

All Might: Keep your dreams reachable.

Izuku: Kacchan!

But even so...

Izuku: *crying while still clawing* You looked like you needed saving!

This seems to shock the skeletal man Y/N met earlier, as he grips the pole he was standing with the support of.

Small Might: Pathetic. Pathetic...!

The sludge somehow slips from Y/N's hand as it reforms itself.

Bakugo: *trying to free himself* Stop it...!

The sludge goes after Izuku.

Death Arms: Somebody help him! He's going to get himself killed!

Y/N: Izu!

A huge gust of wind makes dust cover the area, as it settles down to show Y/N in front of Izuku, shielding him from the sludge villain.

But... Who saved Y/N?

All Might: Really pathetic.

Izuku: All Might...?

All Might: I admonished you, and yet, I'm not even doing my part.

He grabs Bakugo's arm, as he readies a punch and coughs blood out of his mouth.

All Might: Pros are always risking their lives to save others!

Sludge: *annoyed* All Might!!!

All Might: DETROIT! SMASH!!!

The punch blows the sludge villain away, as it even extinguishes the flames nearby.


Y/N was still holding on to Izuku tightly, as he felt something drop on his face.

Water droplet.

In a matter of just a few seconds, rain started pouring, as All Might raised his fist in victory, but stumbles a bit before regaining his posture.

Y/N watched in awe, as everyone started to cheer for All Might very soon.


Y/N: You all are idiots for even saying that!

We see Y/N standing in between Izuku and some pro heroes.

As it turns out, after All Might defeated the sludge villain, interviewers swarmed him, asking questions while the pros praised Bakugo for being able to hold out for such a long time.

But with Y/N and Izuku, the pros were scolding them for their recklessness.

Well, they would've, if Y/N didn't start to rebel.

Y/N: He is quirkless, and yet, he ran to save a dude who isn't exactly his friend, while you all cried about your quirk not being suitable for the situation and stood still like a bunch of jackasses! He was more heroic than any of your asses!

He grabs Izuku's hand.

Y/N: Come on Izu, we are going. These idiots are gonna make me do something that could get me in jail. Dickheads.

The two walk away while Bakugo silently watched the two.

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