Chapter 15

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An ordinary week had passed with the Orous, despite Adjera’s persistent glares. The rainy season had given way to the scorching heat of summer. The air smelled of honey and nectar, and vibrant flowers adorned the landscape like jewels. It was a season of transformation, much like Marina’s life.

One morning, as the sun painted the sky in hues of gold, a strange old woman appeared at the edge of the village. Her clothes were an otherworldly shade of fiery blue, and her face bore intricate white paint. Salt-and-pepper hair framed her weathered features, and scars crisscrossed her skin, each telling a tale of battles fought and secrets kept.

Adjera’s eyes narrowed with envy as she watched the old woman approach. Marina, however, felt a flutter of curiosity. Who was this mysterious visitor, and what purpose had brought her here?

Forna, always the optimist, clapped her hands in excitement. “Look, Marina! A harbinger of change, perhaps?”

The old woman’s voice cut through the morning stillness. “Marina,” she said, her tone both gentle and commanding. “I need to speak with you alone.”

Marina’s stomach churned, and her palms grew clammy. She followed the woman outside, the grass brushing against her ankles. Fear and anticipation warred within her—a dance of uncertainty.

“Marina,” the old woman said, her eyes piercing. “Trust me. I bring news from the king.”

Marina’s mind raced. The king? What could he want with a simple village girl like her? She had pushed him away during their last encounter, regret gnawing at her heart. Perhaps this was her chance to make amends.

The old woman’s grip tightened as if sensing Marina’s inner turmoil. “You are chosen,” she declared. “The Dahomey Amazons seek recruits, and the king has set his sights on you.”

Marina’s eyes widened. The Dahomey Amazons—the legendary warrior women who defended their land with unmatched skill. To be one of them was an honor and a burden. She thought of her father, who had taught her to wield a blade, and her mother, who had whispered stories of courage and sacrifice.

“But why?” Marina stammered. “Why me?”

The old woman’s gaze softened. “Because you carry fire within, Marina. A fire that burns for justice, for freedom. You have the heart of an Amazon.”

Marina’s mind whirled. Fear tugged at her, but so did curiosity. Could she leave her village, her family, and become something more? The weight of the decision settled upon her shoulders.

Adjera’s stifled cackle echoed from the doorway. “Marina, an Amazon? Absurd!”

Marina squared her shoulders. She remembered her father’s words: “Strength lies not only in muscle but in conviction.” She met the old woman’s eyes. “Fine,” she said. “I accept.”

The old woman’s smile held both pride and mystery. “Tomorrow, your training begins. Learn the language of the Dahomey, embrace your destiny.”

As Marina stepped back into the house, Forna hugged her tightly. “You’ll make us proud,” Forna whispered.

And so, Marina embarked on her journey—a girl torn between loyalty and newfound purpose. The old woman’s cryptic words echoed in her mind, and she wondered what secrets awaited her among the Amazon ranks.

As the sun climbed higher, Marina glimpsed her reflection in the window—a girl with salt-and-pepper dreams, scars etched into her soul. She would become an Amazon, and in doing so, rewrite her story.

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