Chapter 10 : The meeting

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My eyes widened in shock, growing as large as golf balls. Suddenly, a woman appeared, her attire mirroring the vibrant blue and earthy brown hues of the others. She brandished a sword, and I couldn't shake off the feeling that she could decapitate me at any moment. They conversed in what I believed to be Fon, their native language. The gravity of their discussion was evident in their stern expressions.

My mind was a whirlwind of fragmented thoughts. The most pressing one was whether they would offer me sustenance or end my life. The rain continued to pour, and chilling gusts of wind swept past me. My toes were numb and tinged red from the cold. The harsh, frost-laden ground was a stark contrast to the muddy but oddly refreshing sensation it provided. Shortly after, I was ushered into a dimly lit cellar.

I felt the coarse texture of a rope as it was wound tightly around my hands and legs. They laid me down on a frigid stone floor. I wanted to cry out, but I had to maintain the pretense of sleep. My attempt was futile, as the girl who had been speaking to my captor began whispering in Fon. My mind was a tumultuous sea of thoughts, creating a cacophony only I could hear. Suddenly, I felt a sharp sting as a cold stick smacked against my skin. I couldn't suppress a scream.

Their eyes sparkled with amusement, seemingly deriving pleasure from my discomfort. One of them dashed outside, presumably to fetch someone. The pain had driven me to the brink of insanity. To my horror, they returned with a man whose presence was as intimidating as a lion's. His attire was more elaborate than the rest, and he moved with an air of authority. His clothes bore the distinct style of the Dahomey Amazons, but his flowing red robes were adorned with unique patterns. His head was covered with a square hat, and his sturdy shoes echoed his formidable demeanor.

He studied me intently, like a predator observing its prey. To my surprise, he addressed me in English. "Princess Marina, right?" he asked. I could only respond with a nod.

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