Chapter 13

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Adjera's Perspective

Marina is no princess. Her every move whispers of shadows, echoes of the treacherous Tamou’s. Could she be a thief, or perhaps a French spy? It’s plausible. After all, doppelgangers do exist. There’s an uncanny aura about her that sends a chill down my spine. Take, for instance, her audacious confrontation with the king. Who would dare such a thing?

Despite my suspicions, I find myself indebted to her. Like clockwork, we got a purple  accompanied by exactly twenty cowrie shells. Their arrival is a beacon of hope in these trying times. Without them, survival would be a mere illusion. Yet, I tread carefully around her, a lesson learned from my past encounters with the Tamou’s.

Let’s go back to when I was just six years old, and Forna was eight. Despite being older, Forna often behaved like a child. The Tamou . I can't even say her name.She had just arrived in our town, a week before the tragic death of my parents. They were a sight to behold, flawless in every way, their hair shimmering in the sunlight. If only I had anticipated the impending disaster.

The Tamou’s offered their friendship to me, and I, naive and unaware, accepted. Little did I know, they were troublemakers at heart. A few days before my parents’ untimely death, we had a heated argument. They wanted me to defy the king, to steal maize and wheat from his land. A plan I was too innocent to see through.

I puzzled, asked, “Why would a princess do that? Why would a princess run away? And where did she learn to punch the king? Wouldn’t she have been taught not to?” These questions lingered in the air, unanswered, as I tried to understand Marina’s actions and the motivations of the Tamou’s.

Forna, bless her heart, is blind to the truth. She brushes off my questions like a child swatting away a pesky fly, unable to comprehend the reality. But I see it. I see the truth. And I am wary.

Do you think I am right to be wary ?

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