Chapter 4

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Mother's (queen) POV
I can't believe what my daughter just said to me . I know I will never be her favourite parent though we were still close . We were never far apart like this. I remember those days when she was a toddler favouring her father . It made me sad to see my little girl not able to love me like her father . She acts as if the death of her father doesn't hit me . Well it does . What can I do though I am a grown woman with a job that got harder . I wish I could cry and show my daughter what hides beneath this mask.
3rd person :
Marina decided she couldn't give up on her life . She decided to run away thinking it would be a better solution . The only thing stopping her was the thought of getting kidnapped or worse getting killed.In the middle of the night , she would take her money ,clothes , food and water in her bluish-greenish backpack. Also , she took her silver pendant with a blue minuscule diamond encircling it . It corruscated like the ocean wafting with a brimy  and salty scent . It was the last gift she got from her father before he died . Her father always said this necklace would lead her from harm  and guide her . She packed ; all the memories flooded to her mind . All those nights when she was a little kid hearing stories about rich cultures bathing in her dad's and mom’s love . Nonetheless, she remembered those sleepless nights hearing her parents argue like little children .
Then everything turned a 180 on her . Her mom became ice cold and rude , her father died etc. A wave of emotions jostled her making her slightly forget her plans and creating it hard to concentrate .The she remembered her goal " Focus Marina, focus this is for dad," she said . " Bye palace, " she whispered and left off climbing out of the window. Her room was on the bottom floor next to the servant's corridors .
A sense of relief washed over her soul . The sense of responsibility that had compiled over the years seemed to have gone in seconds . Some uneasiness pumped through her veins like the blood flow . Immediately , it was the hard part . 4-5 guards were patrolling the area of the palace. She knew she couldn't take a horse since she would be easily spotted . She could neither be a servant because it would be risky . An idea popped in her head . Certainly the only way to victory is to sneak behind the torching tarn .

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