Chapter 7

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As the sun rose languidly, its youthful rays painted everything in a sheen of misty gold. Marina awoke with a start, a small bird perched on her shoulder. Its vibrant plumage hinted at a mix of species, a budgie perhaps, with a dash of some other mischievous breed. It hopped after her as she moved, its actions mirroring the eagerness of a newfound companion.

Her makeshift bed had been a mattress of leaves, and she grimaced at the sight of animal droppings nearby. The surrounding shrubs, a rich myrtle green, seemed to embroider the landscape. The forest was a riot of colors, azure being one of the many vivid hues that caught her eye.

Marina ventured further, trying to familiarize herself with her surroundings. The birds' soft twittering was a soothing melody, but the swaying trees added an eerie undertone with their mournful howls. The sun's rays, now stronger, turned the forest into a gilded wonderland. Creatures, secretive in their ways, scurried about, their paws and claws filled with the day's harvest. Towering trees, like natural skyscrapers, claimed the land as their own. Wisps of mist hung in the ultramarine sky, a sight that could soothe the weariest of eyes.

The tantalizing scent of nectar, laced with the sweetness of honey, teased Marina's senses. A taste, as sweet as orchard-fresh fruit, graced her tongue, a stark contrast to the impending harshness of caviar. Fluttering sepia butterflies, their movements erratic with fear, crossed her path. The sun, now in its full glory, bathed the forest in a warm, inviting light. Squirrels, their cheeks stuffed with nuts, feasted like kings.

A grassy bank, dotted with flowers of every color, sparkled like the jewels in a sultan's crown. Overhead, a canopy of snow-white blossoms bloomed, their fragrance filling the air. The forest was a sight to behold, far from ordinary, its ancient trees woven into a complex tapestry of life. Marina realized why this place had stayed with her all these years. Its magic was unforgettable, leaving an indelible imprint on her memory. The sight of hills adorned with wild cherry trees, their periwinkle blossoms enchanting, took her breath away. A pasture of lush green stretched out towards a lake, its waters clear and shimmering.
Marina paused, her stomach growling in protest. She reached into her backpack, her fingers brushing against the familiar shapes of the items she had taken from the palace. She pulled out a packet of rice and a can of beans, both pilfered from the servant's room.

With a sigh of relief, she settled down on a patch of soft grass, her back resting against the sturdy trunk of a tree. She opened the packet of rice, the grains spilling out onto a makeshift leaf plate. The can of beans was next, its contents adding a hearty aroma to the air.

As she ate, she couldn't help but marvel at the stark contrast between her current situation and the life she had left behind. Here she was, in the heart of a magical forest, eating stolen food from a palace. It was a far cry from the banquets and feasts she was used to, but there was a certain charm to it. The food tasted surprisingly good, perhaps flavored by the thrill of her new adventure.

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