14. A Stain That Never Comes Off the Sheets

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Five more minutes and Gerard was guiding Frank off the path. Frank bit his lip; this was usually where the serial killer action took place. But would Gerard really do that? He found himself trusting the vampire as he strode through the spongy underbrush, having to unnecessarily pick up his right foot to avoid his shoe getting snagged on any branches. Frank peered around him, the dull, grey-green pines and hemlocks giving way to a more vibrant environment. Moss and lichen covered every branch and rock; Frank felt like he was drowning in a green sea.

"Oh," he breathed as the trees gave way to a larger clearing. Soft, dewy grass sprung up from the earth beneath his feet, ferns cascaded down from the trees above, and a bubbling brook could be heard nearby. Gerard grinned behind Frank; this was his favourite place in the forest and he was excited to share it with the boy.

"Nice, huh?" Gerard said, his Jersey drawl shining through his cocky tone. Frank simply nodded, his eyes soaking up the magnificent greenery. He never even knew that this sort of ecosystem existed not far from the grimy streets of Belleville. A low whistle escaped his lips.

"It's pretty," he said.

"Come sit with me." Gerard gently tugged on Frank's sleeve, leading him to a flat rock that oversaw the thin stream. Gerard began unlacing his shoes, letting his feet dangle in the water below. Frank copied him, sighing as the last of the glue that kept his shoe together perished and the sole fell off completely.

"I owe you a new pair of shoes now," Gerard chuckled. "All that walking I made you do."

"It's fine," Frank smirked. "I can get some new ones another time."

"That was something I wanted to talk to you about, Frank..."

Frank looked up at Gerard. New shoes? He raised an eyebrow.

"You've been living with me for a week now, and I think you've proved to me that I can trust you," Gerard explained. "Maybe not enough for you to go out by yourself for hours on end, but enough for me to think you deserve to have a nice outing. I was thinking I could take you to the mall and get you some new shoes? And some more clothes."

Frank looked down, biting his lip.

"You don't have to keep buying me things," he muttered.

"I'd like to," Gerard insisted.

Frank deliberated for a moment, he really had nothing to lose at this point. If Gerard was bent on keeping him here, he may as well embrace all the perks that came with the lifestyle.

"Okay" he said, smiling. "I'd like that."

"It's settled then."

The pair spent the rest of the morning soaking up the sun and enjoying the refreshing breeze. When Gerard announced that it was time to leave, he stood up first to offer Frank a hand. Frank accepted it, letting the vampire hoist him to his feet.

"Just one thing," Gerard grinned.


"I'd like to get back home as quickly as possible."

Frank shook his head, clenching his jaw.

"You're not carrying me," he said firmly.

"One of your shoes is unwearable, Frank," Gerard smirked. "And I'm not asking."

Gerard swiftly scooped Frank up in his arms, manoeuvring the boy so he was perched on his back.

"Hey!" Frank protested, squirming slightly.

"Just hold on," Gerard said. "I promise, it's fun."

And with that, Gerard took off in a flash. Frank gasped, tightening his grip on the vampire's shirt. It was like he was flying; together, they glided through the forest, navigating around bends and under tree branches at what felt like fifty miles per hour. Gerard barrelled through the underbrush, swiftly leaping over branches. They reached the mansion in no time.

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