"You should ask your mommy for your own cat", Nate suggested.

Dev looked at Nate saying no, don't give him the wrong ideas.

"Did you see Cael somewhere?" Dev tried to change the subject.

"I'm here!", Cael came from the parking lot. "I got lost".

"Ok!", Dev exclaimed. "Now, let's start by fixing those wheels in the bike".

Dev gave Cael some tools and two small wheels to fixate on the bike.

"Can we help?", the twins asked.

"Well... I can't have both of you helping me. So why don't we do like this: Killian helps me now, and then I help Collin regulate the bike. And Collin helps Cael, and then he helps Killian regulate the bike. Can it be like that, kids?"

"Ok!", Collin said and went to help Cael. He was more open to new people, and although he didn't want to have another daddy, he was willing to give it a chance. But Killian was different. He didn't like meeting new people and he wasn't happy with the situation. If Collin was a Golden Retriever, Killian was a Persian cat.

Killian got close to Dev and held the sleeve of his shirt.

"Daddy, I don't want him to help me with the bike", Killian whispered.

"Babe, we agreed to give him a chance. I know you are not comfortable, but do it this time. Just this time".

"Okay". He said with a sad face.

Collin interacted well with Cael, and happily gave him the tools. He was a really social kid. And Cael smiled next to him. It has been a great evolution since last time. But, when he went to help Killian, the boy was really defensive and resistant. He avoided looking at Cael directly, and wouldn't say anything at all.

"Are we all ready?", asked Dev after they finished.

"Yes", he answered, in a low voice.

"Let's try riding then". Dev said, enthusiastically. He began pushing Collin and Cael pushed Killian.

"Grab the handle so that you won't fall" Cael whispered to Killian.

"Okay", the boy answered, inattentively.

"Now put your feet on the pedal and push it slowly", he whispered again.

"Don't let me go". Killian cried.

"I won't". He answered and started pushing a little faster. "Is it too fast?"


"Then push the pedals faster. Faster. Faster". He said as the boy kept going. "Can I let go now? You're already fast".

"Yes. Slowly".

"Okay. I'll count to three. One. Two. Three". And he let the boy go.

Collin was still behind, as he insisted on Dev holding him. Killian looked at his brother and at Cael. He was happy: for the first time he was first in something sport-related. But he felt a little guilt, like he was betraying his dad with his other dad. But then Dev looked at him from the distance and shouted:

"There you go Killian! You did it!", Dev smiled as he looked at him. That reassured him that everything was okay.

After a while, Collin was also riding the bike and going around enjoying it.

Suddenly, Cael felt someone getting close to him. Nate, who was just waiting on a bench all this time, stopped close to him.

"Cy", he called, "We are gonna get some ice creams. Do you want something?"

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