Episode #32 : I Am Positive

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“...he isn't even picking up my calls Bhaisaab. Where is he since yesterday ?” - Harshwardhan questioned from Anand as the duo came out of the later's cabin and made their way to the council room for the director's meeting.

Anand carefully observed his younger brother. Harshwardhan was pissed since the day before as Abhimanyu took off without informing but now he sounded more concerned than annoyed. Was he... worried for his son ?

“I just know that his friend was in some problem for which he had to leave in emergency. I'm sure he'll be back soon.” - Anand said pacifying.

If asked honestly, he was 99% sure the supposed friend was Suman as she had gone on a leave a couple of days ago due to her father's sickness. And the way Abhimanyu left without informing anyone, including Manjiri, only confirmed Anand's suspicion. It had to be Suman. Still, it was his mere guess so he didn't deem fit to tell baseless information about his nephew even to their family members.

“I just hope he is fine.”

Anand couldn't help but smile. Harshwardhan was, after all, a father. He and Abhimanyu had many differences, quite major ones at that, yet it didn't dismiss the love the two had for each other. Even if they both didn't show, Anand knew that deep down, the father and son cared for each other.

“He is Abhimanyu Birla. Don't worry Harsh. He'll be fine.” - Anand said assuringly and his smile only widened when Harshwardhan gave a proud smile hearing that.

The two stopped walking as they had reached outside the council room.

“That he is.” - Harshwardhan said with a soft sigh before opening the door for his elder brother.

Shaking his head with a smile, Anand walked inside.



Dr. Rohan broke into a smile as he saw Abhimanyu and Suman walking down the corridor. Their eyes trained on each other while talking, soft smiles on faces and their hands ever-so-slightly brushing occasionally.

He had a bet going on with Deepa and Yashal regarding Abhimanyu and Suman. Knowing Abhimanyu well, he had become sure there was something between him and the newly appointed doctor as he had never seen Abhimanyu even look at a girl before. But whenever Suman was around, she had all his attention. He just couldn't look elsewhere and Rohan slowly observed that Abhimanyu's stares were not one-sided. They were equally reciprocated.

The two girls had laughed it off saying anyone would be impressed by Dr. Abhimanyu but he was hard to crack and they hadn't seen any such thing that could hint as such.

Dr. Suman had gone on leave two days ago and Abhimanyu Sir just the day before yet both were stepping into the hospital together. What. A. Coincidence.

‘Deepa and Yashal are going to be bankrupted.’ - Rohan thought, grinning in his head.

“Good afternoon Abhimanyu Sir, good afternoon Dr. Suman.” - he greeted nearing them.

The fact Abhimanyu didn't pass the sarcastically sweet smile reserved for Rohan only confirmed the later of his observation.

“Afternoon.” - Abhimanyu and Suman replied in unison, smiling gently.

Rohan was having a hard time containing his excitement. He cleared his throat before addressing his senior again. “Er Ruby is waiting for you.”

The smile vanished from Abhimanyu's like magic only to be replaced by a highly annoyed look. “I have just stepped inside the hospital man, how did she know ?”

SerendipityOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora