Episode #19 : Resolve Weakening

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Suman stepped out of the cabin to find Dr. Rohan — who had given her the directions to Abhimanyu's cabin — distributing some kind of invitation cards among the passing by nurses and doctors. Spotting her standing, he approached her with a smile and handed the card to her as well.

“Here you go Dr. Suman. It's Birla Hospital's anniversary the day after tomorrow and a grand celebration party is being held. The venue and timing is mentioned in the card.” - Rohan informed her politely.

A surprised smile took over her face as she opened the card to read. The hospital was completing thirty years and she couldn't have joined at a better time.

“Thank you.” - she said kindly.

Rohan nodded and went away to complete the given task. Suman's phone vibrated in her purse, alerting her of an incoming call. She pulled it out to see Pallavi's name flashing on the screen.

“Hello ?”

“Where the hell have you disappeared to ?!” - Pallavi exclaimed reproachfully. “A human at least informs about reaching safely. But I guess that applies to normal humans.” - she huffed.

Suman chuckled. “Sorry babaaa... I got engrossed in sorting out everything that it totally slipped my mind you'll be worrying.”

“Did youuu... meet him ?” - asked Pallavi turning serious.

Suman sighed. Her lips twitching up in a soft smile. “I did. And lost myself in his eyes once again.”

“And he ?” - Pallavi sounded nervous.

Suman's smile widened. “He couldn't lie to me, like I had said.”

Pallavi exhaled a long breath and Suman could practically hear the relief in it. “I was so scared like he'll turn you down or something. You know, after the way he had run away from the Ghat..”

A heavy frown etched onto Suman's forehead. Abhimanyu had not turned her down but it was still unclear why he had ran away from her that night. The fear in his eyes she had witnessed then and now, a while ago. Her gut feeling was screaming something was wrong but what ? Why was he hesitant to accept her love when he himself loved her ?

“Suman are you there ?”

Suman startled out of her thoughts. “Sorry I got to thinking something. What were you saying ?”

“I was saying that your family had called as apparently your phone was unresponsive and asked me about you. As you had said, I told them the truth that you are in Udaipur. They were furious to say the least.”

Suman closed her eyes and sighed. She had expected that and also knew she had to face them sooner or later. It was inevitable.

“And as we both know your family, your father and uncles' must be on the flight at the moment.”

Of course. Suman even expected her father to take the pilot's seat and fly at double speed to reach her in a flash.

“I know. And am prepared as well.” - Suman said, her tone resolute.

“Prepared reminded me... where are you going to stay ?” - Pallavi inquired, sounding half curious, half worried.

Suman nearly facepalmed. She had been so focused to meet Abhimanyu that hadn't even thought where would she go afterwards! She held her hair thinking deep of some way.

“Actually.. I'm staying the night at a hotel.” - Suman said the first option coming to her mind and smiled as it did seem right. “It's already evening so I have decided to look for working women's hostel tomorrow.” - her smile only widened as her brain kept showing her the right direction.

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