Episode #22 : His Surgeon

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After his breakdown in the hotel room, Abhimanyu and Suman didn't return to the hall where dinner was being served. Instead, she took him out to Lake Pichola that was just in front of the hotel crossing the broad road. The lights of the shops sparkled on the water and created a calmingly beautiful atmosphere. She was seated at the bank, her legs dangling while he was laid horizontally with his head in her lap, without any care of his prim and proper suit getting dirt. She tenderly scratched his scalp with her nails and patiently listened his life story. Her heart breaking a little more with each incident.

There was silence for a long while after he finished telling everything about himself. From childhood till the moment he confessed his love for her, nothing was left. Tears had soaked the neckline of her dress by now as she continuously wept hearing his sufferings. She couldn't fathom how had a ten year old felt witnessing his father's misbehave with his mother ? How had he consoled himself hiding under a sheet ? How the hell that kid, who received nothing but pain from the people around him, grew up into such a kind and compassionate person ?! If it had been her in his place, she would have tortured such people responsible for ruining her childhood and mental health!

“Now you decide Suman...”

His tired voice pulled her out of her thoughts. He had his eyes closed, something she was noticing since the breakdown that he was not meeting her eyes.

“Decide what ?” - she asked softly. Her hand moved from his hair to his forehead to caress gently. She felt a fierce protectiveness for the person laid in her lap. If her love for him, according to Pallavi, was intense and crazy before, then she thought the emotions going within her at that moment would be deemed downright insane and abnormal.

He sighed, sad and resigned. Yet his eyes remained close. “That do you still want to get tangled in the mess that's my life ?”

Her hand stopped at his hairline. Did he think she would back off after knowing everything about him ?

“Abhiii...” - she said in disbelief. She desperately wanted to look into his eyes to know what was going in that head of his. Whether he said or not, his always betrayed him to her.

He heaved another sigh and straightened up. Copying her position, he turned to her and finally, met her eyes.

Her heart dropped to her stomach.

His puffy eyes were so sad that she was reminded of autumn again. Of fallen leaves crunched beneath the feet. People happily waited for spring that the leaves would regrow but the reality everyone escaped from was, those would be the new ones. The fallen leaves had, fallen.

What actually hurt her was the resignation in his eyes more than the sadness. His acceptance of his life and agreement to live the way he was living. He was scared that things would become even worse, that changing the order could cause a disorder.

“I-” - his voice shook, tears welling up in his eyes again. She held his hand with both of hers and squeezed. “I am broken into pieces Suman.” - he whispered, gulping to hold himself together.

She had never felt difficulty in breathing the way she did in that moment. The ache in her chest was painful, making her heart beat slowly.

“I will gather each one.” - she whispered, wiping the rolled down tear from his cheek. His eyes closed at her touch and he leaned into her palm.

“Some things are beyond repair. Don't waste your time and energy on me.” - he whispered, opening his eyes again to look at her.

And let him be the fallen leaf to be crushed under everyone's feet ? NEVER!

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