Episode #13 : Not A Damsel In Distress

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The hallways were dimly lit with golden lights in the ceiling but it didn't affect much on the darkness of the winter's evening. Suman rounded the corner for the corridor of library but stopped as she heard footsteps behind her. She whirled around to find the corridor empty. A frown came over her face. How was it possible that she felt someone walking behind her but nobody was there ? Dubiously, she turned, clutching the strap of her bag tighter, and started walking again. It was not like she was scared — she had spent nine years at the university and half of her time had gone in the library. It was just her gut feeling sending her negative signals.

Opening the library door, she entered and switched on the lights. She placed her bag on a table and moved towards the shelves when the sound of the doors shutting made her gasp. She turned on her heels and found herself looking at...

A smirking Ronit.

“YOU! So you were following me!”

Ronit's smirk widened. He raised his hand and waved at her, showing her a book. Suman's eyes widened on reading the title. It was the very same book for which she had came. In an instant, everything became clear to her.

“You made Darshan leave the message in the university group that he has returned the book, didn't you ?” - she asked, albeit now knowing that was the case.

Ronit tossed the book carelessly which landed on a table — thankfully, else Suman had killed him for disrespecting it like that.

“Smart haan...” - Ronit said, moving towards her, making her instinctively walk back. “Since the day you insulted me, I was keeping an eye on you. Waiting for ONE chance to get back at you and make it even. And finally, today is the day.” - he gritted out, stopping before her. Then his lips curved into a leering smile that made her want to puke. “Or should I say, tonight.” - he whispered darkly.

Suman instantly realized his intentions and her face twisted in disgust. She could make him bleed by throttling him and digging her nails in his neck but she stayed patient. Now was NOT the time to lose calm and make the situation worse. Not only she was cornered by him between shelves but he was stood between her and the exit door as well. Also, her bag which had her phone and other useful weapons was far away on the table. She needed TIME to think of a way out.

Crossing her arms, she tched mockingly. “If you remember correctly — which I'm sure you do as the day of your insult is not one to be forgotten — I had said that I would like to see you causing me harm as long as you don't strike from behind like a coward.” - she exhaled a long, mocking breath. “With this act, at least you have accepted that you are a fricking coward along with being a pathetic bigot and loser.” - she taunted, smirking.

She knew it would instigate him further and that was her aim. Because a person becomes blind in anger and makes mistake. THAT mistake of Ronit will be her escape.



The prayer was nearing its end yet Suman was nowhere to be found. Throughout the prayer, Abhimanyu kept losing focus, his mind time and again wandering to Suman. At last, he opened his eyes and dropped his joined hands down. There was still time for the prayer to end but his restlessness was on an all time high now. He didn't know why but his instincts were saying something was a miss.

Taking his blessings from the Ganges, he retreated from the praying crowd and climbed stairs. His mind set to find out what was making Suman take so long.



The reaction came instantly. Ronit's eyes turned red with pure rage and he lurked forward to attack. She ducked under his arms and started running with him in her wake. The table having her bag got closer and closer and just as she thought she had made it, Ronit's arm curled around her neck from behind.

SerendipityOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora