[ 𝟎𝟏𝟓. ] whole apart

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015 , whole apart


EVELYN UNDERSTOOD HOW DIFFICULT LOVE WAS. It could sometimes be cruel, like how she felt when she discovered of her father's infidelity. The clash between her love for him as a girl and the love she held for her mother for she was left heartbroken. If she was given a choice between her parents, she would no doubt choose her mother, but sometimes, she wished her father would've fought harder for his family and not give up. That kind of love is sacred, his children, the one's he looked so happy to be with, he left them scarred. Evelyn had chosen to give up her pain in return of his presence, hoping that one day, they won't be as broken as today.

Her sister would never understand why she kept in touch. Evelyn would rather she hate her than let Luna carry the burden of the truth. That in time, when she graduates, she would need her father more for the knowledge he brings and the influence he reflects. Evelyn would love nothing more than to follow her heart and to put both her feet on one side, but she could not. If she had any chance of a secured future, she would most likely stay to as to where she is right now. A distant trying father, a hardworking mother.

It was never in her plans to fall into a relationship again. Given she broke up with her boyfriend in England before moving to Forks, Evelyn wanted to focus on her future and her academics rather than divulging into her affections. Rosalie Hale opened her eyes in a way no one ever had before. Perhaps it was her breathtaking allure, the truth about what she is, Evelyn didn't know for sure what it was about Rosalie that immediately entrapped her, but she did not want to understand it. The thrill of not knowing made her feel alive like she's never been before. They weren't in a relationship, but Evelyn could not feel anything but it. They were talking exclusively, but at the same time, there were no promises.

Evelyn was grateful for that. In that way, Rosalie couldn't lie to her and promise her they will never be strangers again. If she does, it wouldn't be the truth. Someday, Evelyn would be thirty and she would look more like her mother today and Rosalie would still look the same way as the day they first met. Someday, Evelyn would get her heartbroken and she would mourn what could have been but today, she was sitting in her car with Rosalie on the passenger seat, the both of them conversing like the future did not condemn them to not be together.

"That's unfair." Evelyn says, holding small index cards in her left palm while her body faced Rosalie. The car was parked in the school's parking lot, whisking their break time by studying as Evelyn would normally do before, only that Rosalie would accompany her each and every time now without complaint.

"You're the one who insisted on quizzing me about things I've already studied about a thousand times now." Rosalie reminded her countless of times how she should be the one to hold those index cards, not the other way around. Hell, she wouldn't even need cards to let Evelyn know about information she should know.

"Yes, that was my mistake." Evelyn mutters clearly to herself, studying the cards on her hand while Rosalie looks away from her, a smile on her lips. "I still don't understand why all of you insist on going through high school again and again. If I had all the time in the world, I'd be too busy discovering things that are waiting to be discovered."

Rosalie smiles again, it's become an occuring action whenever she was with Evelyn. How devastatingly amazing this girl could be and how she never fails to amaze Rosalie with her bright mind. Evelyn Silva views the world in such brightness and awe, she deserves to win all the awards there is to win about the goodness of her kind heart.

"If you never age and is stuck looking young, you'd understand." Rosalie says. "Trust me, I dread the day we move because it would mean another first day of hell learning things that are already stuck in my brain without choice."

𝐇𝐄𝐀𝐕𝐄𝐍 𝐀𝐍𝐃 𝐁𝐀𝐂𝐊 ━━ rosalie haleOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora