10' [the view]

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Baekhyun sits on the edge of his couch, his back aching and his head pounding with each sneeze that escapes him. Despite the discomfort, his heart races at the mention of Taeyeon's impending arrival.

He would curse himself for walking in the rain last but as he glances around his messy living room, he curses himself even more for not tidying up sooner.

Clothes strewn over the back of the couch, dishes piled in the sink, and papers scattered across the coffee table.

With a sigh, he pushes himself up, ignoring the protest of his weary muscles, and begins to hurriedly straighten up the space.

As he gathers dirty dishes and tosses them into the sink, Baekhyun's mind races with memories of Taeyeon. She would totally hate to see this mess, especially the dirty dishes.

Lost in thought, Baekhyun almost misses the sound of the doorbell. With a jolt, he rushes to the door, his heart pounding in anticipation and anxiety.

He opens it to find Taeyeon standing there, a small smile playing on her lips despite the raindrops clinging to her hair.

"Hey," she says softly, her voice carrying a hint of nervousness.

"Hey," Baekhyun replies, his own voice strained with emotion. "Come in, it's freezing out there."

Taeyeon steps inside, her eyes sweeping over the room before settling on him. There's a flicker of concern in her gaze as she takes in his disheveled appearance, the lines of exhaustion etched into his features.

"Are you okay?" she asks, putting the herbs she bought earlier on the table.

Baekhyun nods, forcing a smile. "Yeah, I'm fine."

Taeyeon's expression softens, and for a moment, they stand there in silence, the weight of unspoken words hanging between them.

"I was going to buy you porridge," she finally says, "But it's still early, the shops are still close."

"That's okay," he murmurs, "I don't want to eat anything yet."

Then, they move to the couch, settling into the cushions. Baekhyun keeps his head down, attempting to fight the pounding headache that threatens to overwhelm him.

Taeyeon notices his discomfort and gently suggests that he lay down.

"You need to rest. Sleep more."

"No, it's-" Before he could hesitates, Taeyeon persists by gently pushing his shoulder, slowly putting his head rest on the arm of the chair.

Reluctantly, Baekhyun complies, allowing himself to be guided into a more comfortable position.

Taeyeon then swiftly takes out his cardigan from her bag, covering his shivering body.

With his eyes closed, Baekhyun feels the weight of exhaustion pressing down on him, his muscles relaxing in the warmth of Taeyeon's presence. He can sense her movements as she moves around the room.

Then, her voice breaks through the haze of his thoughts. "Can I use your kitchen?" she asks softly.

Baekhyun's eyelids have zero strength to flutter open. With a small nod, he acquiesces, "Hm."

Not waiting much longer, Taeyeon disappears into the kitchen.

Baekhyun wants to refuse. Knowing that she might cook something for him. But to his condition, he only allows himself to sink deeper into the cushions, letting the tension in his body slowly ebbing away.

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