01' [that's good to know]

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In the dimly lit studio, the air crackles with anticipation as Baekhyun, stands at the center of the set, ready to shoot his latest music video.

The director, Kim Min-joon, strides over, his eyes sparkling with excitement.

"Baekhyun, you're absolutely nailing it!" Min-joon exclaims, clapping Baekhyun on the back. "Your emotions are raw, your expressions are on point. You're a natural in front of the camera."

Baekhyun offers a humble smile, his heart swelling with pride at the praise. "Thanks, Min-joon. I'm just trying to bring your vision to life."

As they exchange a few more words, Min-joon's mind wanders back to another time, another set, and another artist who possessed a similar innate talent for acting.

"You know," Min-joon muses, a nostalgic glint in his eyes, "Your performance reminds me of someone I used to work with."

Baekhyun's curiosity is piqued. "Who's that?"

Min-joon's lips curve into a wistful smile. "Taeyeon."

Baekhyun's breath catches in his throat at the mention of her name. Despite the slight ache in his heart, he listens intently, his curiosity piqued.

"Taeyeon?" Baekhyun's voice is barely a whisper, laced with a mixture of longing and nostalgia.

The director nods, a reminiscent smile gracing his lips. "Yes, Taeyeon. There's a certain depth to your performance, a raw emotion that she used to embody. You both share that magnetic presence, drawing your audience into your world."

Baekhyun's pulse quickens, emotions swirling within him like a tempest. Memories of their shared moments flood his mind, each one etched with bittersweet recollections. Yet, amidst the ache, a sense of pride blossoms within him.

"She's doing well, isn't she?" Baekhyun's voice is soft, tinged with a hint of wistfulness.

The director's gaze softens, understanding the underlying currents of Baekhyun's words. "Yes, she is. What could go wrong with that voice of her? You both have carved your own paths, leaving an indelible mark on the industry."

A sense of warmth washes over Baekhyun, a silent acknowledgment of the journey they had embarked on separately. Despite the echoes of the past, he finds solace in knowing that she thrives, her spirit woven into the fabric of their shared memories.

Baekhyun forces a smile, the weight of Min-joon's words pressing down on him like a leaden cloak. "Thank you. I'll do my best to honor your vision."

The director nods, a silent understanding passing between them. The set continues to blast with his new song as the choreographer repeats the steps to ensure everything is on point.

And yet, amidst the chaos and the cacophony, there lingers a bittersweet truth—a truth he's reluctant to acknowledge but powerless to deny. Anyhow, he is relief to hear that she's doing alright. That's what matters — the only thing that matters.


In the quiet solitude of her apartment, Taeyeon sits cross-legged on the plush carpet, the soft glow of the television casting a gentle hue across the room.

The familiar strains of Music Bank fill the air, a comforting backdrop to the stillness that envelops her.

As she watches the performances flicker across the screen, Taeyeon finds herself lost in the rhythm, the melody, the memories that dance in the corners of her mind. Songs are getting catchier nowadays, and somehow she's proud that the industry has gained a lot more than before.

And then, like a bolt from the blue, Baekhyun's performance appears—a breathtaking display of talent, of emotion, of raw vulnerability laid bare for all to see. His voice is a symphony of longing, his movements a ballet of pain, his presence a reminder of everything she once held dear.

For a moment, Taeyeon's heart stops, her breath catching in her throat as she watches him, her mind awash with conflicting emotions.

Zero, with sudden wags of his tail, climbs up the television cabinet and swirls around the speaker.

Taeyeon's lips form a faint smile, "I can't believe you still remember him."

Her eyes gaze back to the screen. She wonders if he's doing okay, if he's eating well, and if he has someone new to share his witty remarks.

But then, as quickly as the thought arises, it fades away, replaced by a sense of calm, of acceptance, of the quiet understanding that comes with time.

5 years are enough to let go.

And so, with a bittersweet smile playing at the corners of her lips, Taeyeon watches Baekhyun, her heart swelling with pride, with admiration, with a longing that refuses to die. She couldn't read him anymore, she doesn't know what his eyes are holding on to.

But one thing, she sees a resilience, a strength, a flicker of hope burning bright against the darkness. She sees a man who has weathered storms, who has faced demons, who has emerged from the ashes stronger, wiser, more alive than ever before.

When the articles of him discontinued the contract with SM Entertainment were spread out, she could only pats him from afar.

It has been his dream to no longer getting pressed by the uppers and follow whatever they wanted him to do.  He wants to free himself and so does she.

As Baekhyun's performance draws to a close, Taeyeon finds herself filled with a sense of peace, of serenity, of gratitude for the memories they've shared, for the lessons they've learned, for the love that has shaped them into who they are today.

And so, with a soft sigh and a lingering smile, Taeyeon turns off the television, the echoes of the music fading into the silence that surrounds her.


to be continued

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