"At first, we wanted to stop the invasion on our own. However, as the days have gone by, more and more magical squads fell victim to Novus Red Force until such time that most of the Entente Cordiale have been seriously injured and incapacitated," Sakura added further details. "As it stands, only the Supreme Six and the Twilight Triad are the magical squads left to defend Hallyu, but even our collective efforts were not enough to stop any of them."

"Why did they attack Hallyu? Do you know which parallel world they originally came from?" Yamamoto asked.

"Unfortunately, we do not have any information about their motives or where they come from," Yunjin shook her head. "They suddenly appeared one day and insisted they will annihilate Hallyu."

"While fighting earlier, I noticed something unusual about Ubi... Ubiquitous," Tsuna had a hard time pronouncing the name. "My Zero Point Breakthrough: Revised was able to absorb one of his attacks."

"Wow, that's unusual," Yamamoto commented.

"Sorry for not understanding anything but what about Ubiquitous' attack being absorbed?" Eunchae wanted clarification.

"The Dying Will Flames are a form of condensed energy in this world." Gokudera had to make the explanation simple for The Seraphim to understand. "Now, Zero Point Breakthrough: Revised is a technique created by Tenth during his training with Reborn-san. Using this technique, Tenth can absorb his opponent's Dying Will Flames, purify it, and add it to his own store of Flames."

"So, how was Tsunayoshi-sama able to absorb the attack then?" Kazuha was clueless.

"There could only be two explanations," Reborn stated. "Their powers have been infused or strengthened by Dying Will Flames or the source of their magical energy is Dying Will Flames. Most likely it's option number 2."

"What do you mean by Dying Will Flames being the source of their magical energy?" Sakura questioned.

"If humans have a heart to live, they might be relying on Dying Will Flames to stay alive," Reborn theorized. "That might be the reason why Tsuna was able to absorb his attack; traces of Dying Will Flames must be present in their powers or bodies as a by-product for serving as their energy source."

"Could this be related to the missing eight Mafiosi that even the Vindice have a hard time figuring out?" Gokudera laid out his assumptions.

"If the members of Novus Red Force are the missing eight Mafiosi, then I will not be surprised as to why they have innate Dying Will Flames inside their bodies," Reborn grimaced.

"If that is the case, do we have to do anything in particular to extinguish this flame?" Chaewon probed.

"Not necessarily. The flame should extinguish on their own if you deal them enough damage," Yamamoto offered his expertise. "You could also strike them with an extremely powerful attack enough to overpower the flame and extinguish it."

"I see. Thank you for these valuable inputs."

The conversation took a short break after Tsuna's mom gave them snacks and refreshments to enjoy. The Seraphim gladly took the offer, indulging themselves with the baked goods and beverages.

"Sorry for sounding impatient but can we get the artifact now? We need to return to Hallyu as soon as possible," Chaewon steered back to their original intentions.

"I see. Sorry about that. I'll get it right away," Tsuna clumsily scurried around his room.

Tsuna opened a drawer of his study table and pulled out a small cube the size of his own palm.

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