quīnquāgintā quattuor

Start from the beginning

"Humans!" Swap shouted up at (Y/n) and Theodore. "We need you to focus!" Without Theodore's mental warning, Reaper almost got the jump on them again as he tried to take Swap's head off. Swap teleported him and Outer on top of a different crate before looking up at Theodore pleadingly. They needed him.

"You've got to focus! Your demons need you right now." (Y/n) said, pushing Theodore to his feet so the man could focus on the fight going on down below, keeping close to his side in an effort to ground him like Nightmare did for her earlier. Feeling Mafia's mental connection sever was undoubtedly all sorts of traumatic but his other demons needed his attention on them right now. Theodore struggled to compose himself, watching the fight down below and giving mental callouts as his fingers gripped the catwalk tightly. With him back in the fight, his demons looked more united and less clueless of what was happening around them, and (Y/n) gently squeezed his hand to comfort him. He shot her a small smile in thanks, though his blue eyes were still clouded with grief, and her heart hurt for him.

"Have you seen Fell?" a casual voice asked, and (Y/n) felt herself freeze again as she noticed a new demon right beside her. Sans had his arms crossed on the railing as he leaned over it, his grin relaxed as he eyed her with normal white eyelights. "He got in a skele-ton of trouble with Graham, so I figured I oughta mustard up the guts to ask where he is." He waited for her reaction but she was too flabbergasted to laugh. The most powerful skeleton demon—who was supposed to be murdering her and her demons—was cracking puns with her while Fell ran for his life. She felt herself smile awkwardly as Sans chuckled. "Tough crowd."

"Sorry," she said quickly, clutching Theodore's hand as she backed into him nervously while the rich man pointedly kept his gaze on the action below. He was too scared to look at Sans, and the Strike Force around her hesitated to act. They didn't want to piss him off, and since they couldn't tell if (Y/n)'s life was in danger, they weren't sure what to do, awkwardly shuffling on the rafters behind her as they held their guns at the ready but didn't fire.

"Say, Waylon..." Sans said slowly. Theodore visibly tensed, unable to turn his head to look at the demon. The last time he came face to face with Sans, he nearly died. "You have a mental connection with your minions, right?" (Y/n) nodded for him, still backed up into Theodore's chest as she smiled nervously at Sans. Her mind was too panicked to even think of reaching for the jagged bone Error gave her to defend herself with—not that she could use it well enough to save her own life. Theodore didn't back up and didn't look away from his demons down below, but he did keep a grip on (Y/n)'s hand to try to reassure her. If Sans wanted them dead, there was nothing they could do.

Sans chuckled. "It's alright, kiddo. I'm not gonna hurt ya. The human hasn't ordered you to die, so you're safe. Killing really isn't my thing." He looped his thumbs through the waistband of his basketball shorts, his stance casual. (Y/n) looked a little more hopeful as Theodore's grip tightened on her hand. She knew what he was thinking: 'but you killed Mafia. You almost killed me'. She was just glad he had enough self-preservation in him to keep the thought to himself. But Sans wasn't lying, and his expression when he killed Mafia did genuinely look pained—even if now his real feelings were hidden behind nonchalance. She wondered just how much he had to suffer to get that good at pretending to be ok.

"How can we help you?" (Y/n) asked softly.

Sans' sockets widened before he resumed nonchalance. "'Help me'? Pretty sure we're on opposite sides, kiddo. Why would you want to help me?" Then, after winking, "Unless you can help me find Fell, the slippery devil."

"We want Graham dead just as much as you," she said earnestly, her eyes pleading with him to believe her.

He rose a browbone and cocked his head. "That so?" He was willing to listen. This was her chance.

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