May 21, 2023

214 16 1

Here is the second chapter. Pay attention, I just posted another one before this one. As always, italics is flashbacks. 

May 21, 2023

Vic has invited some friends to her house to celebrate her own birthday, and among these friends, besides me, is Carina. She was undecided until the very last whether to attend or not, because after months, she still always has the fear of stepping on Luke's toes in Luke's territory (who by the way is leaving at the end of the month, having requested a transfer even to another state). She let herself be convinced pretty quickly actually and we agreed to go together, at the explicit request of Carina who felt too "exposed" to the idea of arriving alone "on the scene." I teased her a whole day about her choice of terms: she talked as if she had to arrive at some crime scene!!! We then took advantage of the fact that the party at Vic's house doesn't start until 10:00 p.m. to have dinner together, at Carina's house. I thought it was a great idea, but looking at us now as we are in the car driving to Vic's house I think it was the worst idea ever: it all happened so fast that I still don't really understand what happened. While seeing her like this, with the grim, almost murderous look on her face, frightens me, on the other hand a small, but great, spark of sexual arousal ignites in me. Still I am stuck in my seat in front of the steering wheel, uncertain of any kind of movement, because while I keep replaying in my head the scenes of the last few hours we spent together, I still don't understand how everything could have ended like this.

Between us, even in our remote and common past, she has always been in charge of the food: she can cook very well, she knew how to do it even back then, and I always have very high expectations of what delicacy she will prepare for me, living the previous hours already with my mouth watering.

Tonight she decided to keep it light, convinced that we would be eating at Vic's, which caused me an endless series of laughs, at the idea that she still hasn't guessed how the only thing that matters to Vic, especially on her birthday, is drinking, certainly not eating. My laughter, however, caused her to resent it and now she sits coruscating on the couch, knees to her chest eating the tiramisu, which she made exclusively for me.

M < I understood the tiramisu was exclusively for me..> I tease her, quoting her own words that she sent me in a text message to convince me to come over for dinner. As if there was any need to convince me then....

C < Maya, shut up if you don't want to aggravate your position...!>

M < mh, mh..> I nod, biting my lip, barely holding back a laugh. After a few minutes, the silence seems to get heavier, and unlike the other times Carina does not seem to want to give in and end this playful banter. I sigh, therefore, and take charge in a way that must surprise her after all, because it does not belong to me entirely. I decide, in fact, to take her by surprise and begin tickling her. Carina reacts instantly, and if for a first moment I suspect and fear that she is going to throw a punch at me, she actually starts laughing out loud right away and goes on the counterattack. There is a silent lull of a few moments, in which we both place the saucers with dessert on the coffee table in her living room, but soon after we resume our laughing, tickling fight. Soon we end up with our bodies more than in contact with each other, practically lying on the couch, in an effectively compromising situation. When I realize this, especially as the laughter fades and our eyes become glued together, I swallow in distress and try to pull away from her. Carina holds me by the hips, however, alternating her gaze several times between my eyes and my lips. I was not born yesterday, so I have no doubt either what is in her mind or what might happen between now and then. Except that I can't turn off my brain and rationality, so, albeit with immense effort, I pull myself up with my arms and detach myself permanently from Carina. She does not seem to want to give up, she pulls herself up, sitting down and in fact following the movement of my body. In an instant I find her hands wrapped around my neck and I know she is about to pull me to her and kiss me. I turn my face a moment before our lips brush and her kiss ends at the corner of my mouth. Immediately I place my hands on her legs, so close to me, and pull away a little more.

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