April 05, 2023 - Los Angeles

226 18 5

Have a good day/night everyone and thank you.Pay attention: chapters 9 and 10 were both published last week!A little warning for this chapter: violence

See you on Friday

April 05, 2023 – Los Angeles

The situation in the station has never been so tense, not when we lost family members, not when Vic found out about the betrayal, not when Andy was arguing furiously with Sullivan, nor the times when we questioned our captain and his abilities.

The first thing that happened when I set foot back in the station to start my shift five days ago was Luke walking with great strides toward me, beginning to nudge me, asking me why I had been in Italy with Carina. I sincerely did not understand how he knew, because I decided, out of respect for Carina, to be a mature person and did not react. I remained still even when she spat on the ground near my feet, in a clear sign of contempt, surprising everyone present who witnessed the scene and was trying to understand both what was going on and what my reaction would be.

Working together was by no means easy, but Andy must have warned the captain, because on every call he sends us off in two diametrically opposite directions so that we don't have the risk of brushing up against each other or arguing in the middle of a scene.

For a few days I stayed on my own as usual: I attended the weight room only if it was empty, ate at different times from everyone, and never watched TV or rested on the couch among the others.

Yesterday, however, I decided that it was not fair for me to be the one to give up everything, not being able to enjoy even a moment of relaxation with my friends, just because Luke has a problem with me. If he is the one who has a problem, he should move away, not me.

At this moment, however, when we are all around the table having dinner, with tension running high, I do not know whether to bitterly regret my choices or to be convinced instead that I am in the right place at the right time.

Luke, in fact, is hissing through his teeth with Jack, rifling through a series of insults to Carina. My jaw tightens more and more, as do my fists, almost ready to snap. I don't know what could have happened: Carina only returned from Italy yesterday and I have yet to see or hear from her, because she had warned me that from the airport she would go directly to her boyfriend's house.

More out of nervousness than respect I haven't even texted her again and she, for her part, ditto hasn't texted me, somehow increasing my nervousness.

L < she really is a huge bitch!> I hiss and am about to burst out, but Ben intervenes in my place.

B < don't you think you're overreacting?>

L < doesn't it seem to you to mind your own fucking business?> he attacks him.

A < guys, please..> Andy tries to quell tempers.

L < talk to him!>

V < or maybe you should stop having that attitude!> Vic slams. < there's been tension for days because of you! And it's honestly time someone put you in your place!> Luke stands up and glares at her.

L < how would you like to put me in my place?> he takes a step toward her and suddenly his provocation takes on a mischievous air, with an annoyingly sexual reference. Jack is the only one who laughs.

M < that you were an asshole, Jack, was clear...but the disgust you make, Luke, is really uncommentable..> I intervene, standing up. Immediately behind me are Travis and Ben, who puts a hand on my arm.

In your armsTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon