Start from the beginning

"What the...", he whispered to himself. Unsure of what's happening, Freeman stayed alert while changing his stance.

All of a sudden...


GHOST Cole had finished eating at the Battleship's CANTINA and went straight to the ship's bridge to see Commander Freeman.

GHOST Cole had finished eating at the Battleship's CANTINA and went straight to the ship's bridge to see Commander Freeman

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When he arrived, he saw the crew busy. Cole then approaches the Captain.

"Greetings, Captain. Have you seen Commander Freeman? He said he'd be here a while ago.".

The Captain nodded, "I have. He went to the rest room, not long ago. I think it's best if we just wait for him to get back.".

"Hmm. Good idea.", replied Cole.

Few minutes passed, the Bridge's door opens. There came a serious and puzzled Freeman.

"Commander?", called Cole. "You look... serious. Did something happen to you in the rest room?".

Anton Freeman looked straight at them, "We need to talk.".

From there, Cole and Anton Freeman immediately went out the Bridge.


Meanwhile at the Core World TERRA, inside the GHOST CORPS in PRIME.

Meanwhile at the Core World TERRA, inside the GHOST CORPS in PRIME

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General Mitchell Howard arrived and immediately went straight to General Andrew Stern's office. Howard did not see anyone guarding the hallways and got pissed.

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