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Sullivan was visited by his family inside the facility. They met at the top of the Stronghold, overseeing everything.

His son, Xavier Sullivan (15 years old), walks around the large room, astounded as he sees the elegance and beauty everywhere.


"Careful, dear. Look at where you're walking.", told his mother.

"This is awesome, ma! Everything's shiny!", said Xavier as he stops by at the glass wall while resting both of his hands, seeing the sunset and overlooking PRIME.

"The city is beautiful, pa! Look!", Xavier then pointed out the city-state to his father Cornelius.

Cornelius went beside him and put his hand on Xavier's shoulder.

"Remember this moment, my son. If the time comes, everything you see here will all be yours.", he happily assured his son.

"Everything, hon?", his wife smiled.

Cornelius nodded, "Everything."

"Really, pa?!", happily asked Xavier as Cornelius proudly looks at him.

Suddenly, MAIA notifies Cornelius inside the room.

[MAIA (female robotic voice): INCOMING CALL.]

Both his wife and son looked at the ceiling when they heard MAIA.

"Wow! What was that?!", Xavier got all excited again.

His wife chuckles as she walks behind Xavier and embraces him, "Calm down. It's just some fancy technology your father deals with everyday.".

"Excuse me.", smiled Cornelius as he went outside the room. He went to a Stronghold's balcony and made sure that he was alone.

He then wore an earpiece and answered the call.

"Good day, Mr. Sullivan. This is General Howard from the SHADOW ACADEMY."

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