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Selene again shouted as loud as she can, "GOOO AWAAYYYY!!!!".

She released a strong Psionic Pulse (are blasts of psychic energy fired from the mind. These blasts are raw emotion turned into energy, capable of causing mental pain or knocking a person unconscious) that knocked everything and everyone off their feet. All of the windows and glasses around was shattered into pieces.

Hee-Jin then checked on her daughter and looked at her straight in the eyes. Due to her intense emotion, Selene's glowing golden eyes somewhat burned through Hee-Jin's, turning her iris pure white and constricting her pupils. Hee-Jin immediately bled from her nose and ears then passes out on the spot, with slight twitching.

Selene was left on her knees, continuously crying while trying to wake her mother up, "MAMAAAAAA!!! PAPAAAAAA!!!".

A beaten up Bradley persisted to be laid down. He tried to move and painfully crawls towards his wife and daughter.

"Hee-J-jinn... S-ssel-lene...", mumbled Bradley as blood drips from his mouth and cuts from his head.

One of the men finally kicked Bradley in the head once more, this time knocking him senseless in front of his daughter.

The men then gathered around the child. One of them slowly kneeled. He tightly held her cheeks and forced Selene to look at them. She immediately held her head again and closed her eyes, showing pain.

Slowly, Selene passes out in his grasp. They immediately blindfolded the child and covered her mouth as one of them carries her.

The men then cloaked themselves invisible one by one and silently left the scene leaving Bradley and Hee-Jin unconscious at their daughter's bedroom.


The following day.


A loyal Dominion official, General Howard had paid visit to high council Cornelius Sullivan's office at the Dominion Stronghold.

A loyal Dominion official, General Howard had paid visit to high council Cornelius Sullivan's office at the Dominion Stronghold

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"General Howard. An urgent report I presume?", asks Cornelius.

"Affirmative... fresh from the Academy. Our GHOST CORPS found something interesting and I highly prefer to let you know personally.", General Howard answered seriously.

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