Scattered & Confused

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Author's Note: When German is being spoken, the words will be underlined.

I don't remember my name. I don't remember my past. When I look in the mirror, I don't recognize my own face. My flesh and bones feel so unfamiliar to me, as though I have stolen someone else's identity. As the young woman looked at herself in the mirror, she put on a T-shirt and jeans that she found in her wardrobe. Upon looking around at her surroundings, she found she seemed to live in a nice studio space with hardwood floors and a beautiful view. When she woke up that morning, she woke up in a foreign bed with a brand-new cell phone on its charger next to her. As she looked through the phone, she found no identifying information other than the one contact listed that read 'Sandra.' With a sigh, the woman eyed a dark blue purse sitting on the front door handle. Scurrying over, she immediately began ruffling through the bag's contents, her heart pounding as she pulled out a wallet in hopes of an ID there. Success was reached as she read her name and address on the card. "My name... is Kaylee Percy." As she continued to examine the details of the card, she noted her age was 23 years old and her address, which she assumed was the apartment she was currently in, was in Besigheim, Germany.

The girl froze as she nearly dropped the identification card. I must be bilingual considering my thoughts are automatically in English. Then... how many languages do I speak? Before she could continue to ponder her traits and characteristics, a soft knock was heard at the door right in front of her, startling her. As she hesitantly approached the door, she slowly looked out of the peep hole to see who was knocking. Finally releasing her breath, she unlocked the door and opened it to find a deliveryman holding a small box. With a small smile, the tall blonde pushed the package towards her hands. "Lieferung."

Returning his smile with her own, the woman took the package with both hands with a small
nod. "Danke." Closing the door with her foot, Kaylee took the package to a small dining room table to the right of the front door before proceeding to open it. Her eyes widened as she pulled out a small note written in English, along with what looked to be bank account numbers underneath. Kaylee, I transferred the money to your account. Keep contact minimal. You're on your own now. -Sandra. Kaylee took the package back to her bed where her phone was sitting before going onto the app store and installing the bank app. As she typed in her credentials that was listed on the piece of paper this mysterious Sandra left her, Kaylee's eyes nearly bulged out of her head as she dropped her phone onto the ground. Over 920,000 euros were in the account (over 1m usd). Where did Sandra get this kind of money? And why would she give that to me? Heavily debating on whether she should contact Sandra or not, Kaylee finally decided in favor of this. As the line continued to ring, a raspy feminine voice finally answered.


Kaylee found herself attempting to form words silently; finding herself unable to do so ultimately leading to her hanging up. Sighing from her massive fail, she found herself extremely hungry as her stomach rumbled. Opening the empty fridge before shutting it with disappointment, the girl rolled her eyes before grabbing her purse and putting on some heeled boots by the door and heading out, making sure she remembered what floor and apartment number she was. Walking around the little town, her heels clicked onto the stone pavement as the wind graciously blew through her hair. She found herself in awe at the amount of families laughing and walking around --- and though it seemed to be a happy place to be, she couldn't shake this feeling that this was not where she was supposed to be. It was as though she was borrowing someone else's thoughts and feelings, for they were not hers to keep. As she finally reached what looked to be a beautiful mansion on the outskirts of the town she had been exploring for what felt like hours, she looked up at its tall and intimidating appearance. Suddenly, Kaylee felt so small. Small footsteps approached rapidly toward Kaylee from her left, prompting her to slowly look down at the small blonde little girl that was smiling up at her with rosey cheeks. "Hello! You're so pretty." Mustering up the largest smile she could, which was no more than a smirk, Kaylee thanked the little girl for calling her pretty. Immediately following, the small child frowned while leaning her head to her right. "But why are you crying?" Kaylee gasped before reaching her hand up to her cheek, feeling the dampness before looking back at the castle. Yes... why... am I crying?

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