Capture & Flag

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Knocking hesitantly on the chief's office door, (Y/n) bit her lip nervously as she heard him permit her entrance. It was the day she was supposed to meet that monster for their next game. Unfortunately, he had not made it easy for her, as the location he had chosen was 3 hours away practically in the middle of nowhere. The most likely reason for this was that the game had something to do with wilderness survival. If the unsub thinks I don't know my shit when it comes to surviving with nearly nothing, he's got another thing coming. I used to spend nearly every weekend camping in the summer with my family when I was young. Because there was no way of telling how long this game would be, however, she was forced to take some time off; thus, leading to this awkward position in which the lead investigator stood in front of her superior, prepared to ask for time off. "Sir, I've come to ask for some time off. I've noticed my mental health draining rather rapidly and figured I would get ahead of it this time around." In total honesty, this wasn't entirely a lie; more like a mere white lie with some truth hidden. It was true that the girl found her brain needing a break from everything. In terms of whether she would receive that break was a whole other question. Due to a lack of response from Art, the woman sighed before continuing, "Look, I totally understand this isn't the best ti-"

"Not at all. Take all the time you need."

(Y/n)'s eyes widened in surprise before smiling gratefully at Art, who returned her thankful grin. As (Y/n) bowed slightly before leaving the room and shutting the door, Art's smile faded into a dark look of distrust. Something is going on, I'm sure of it. What, oh what, are you hiding?

*11:14 PM*

(Y/n)'s car turned off as the woman got out of her vehicle, looking around at where she could hide her keys. Although it seemed a bit extreme, she knew she could not carry her keys with her, as she had no clue what this game would entail. The only thing she planned to carry with her, was her cell phone and a flashlight in her small fanny pack resting around her waist. (Y/n) eyed a tree with a small hole in the center of the bark, prompting her to stuff her keys inside before reaching down and using dirt to cover its appearance. Tying her hair up in a ponytail, (Y/n) smoothed out her leggings and T-shirt as she moved forward. (Y/n) had parked her car at a park's entrance, even though it was about a 30-minute walk from her key destination. She knew based on the time he wanted to meet, which was midnight, as well as the location that it would likely be a while before she'd be coming back. Moving stray hairs out of her face, the woman continued to step on twigs and moist grass from the light rainfall the night before.

After what seemed like a long time of walking, the woman eyed the rest area of a different park with a dim street lamp lighting up the small radius, before checking her watch and seeing the time. 11:49 PM. I came early this time. Choosing to sit on the bench, the woman crossed her arms as she tolerated the mosquitoes surrounding her. This bastard better not be late. Before another thought could emerge, (Y/n)'s neck began to tingle, prompting goosebumps to emerge on her arms. Standing up swiftly before kicking the area behind the bench with her left leg, Jeff just barely dodged the woman's impressive attack. "Easy there, investigator." The woman's eye began to twitch as his annoying chuckle immediately began to cause a headache.

"Oh, it's you." Sitting back on the bench with a disappointed sigh, Jeff made his way next to her, attempting to sit extremely close before the woman punched the left side of his face, prompting Jeff to pout and move further.

"No fair."

Rolling her eyes, the investigator had enough of Jeff's shit already. "Cut the shit. What's the game this time?"

Eyeing her attire, Jeff smiled proudly. "I must say, I'm impressed with your instincts. You clearly scoped these coordinates out online and figured out the environment would be a desolate park. You've probably come assuming this may be a physically challenging game." Leaning so close to the girl that their noses nearly touched, (Y/n) glared into his eyes, refusing to move. "You'd be right." Standing up from the bench, Jeff stood in front of her as he began to explain the game. "The game will be capture the flag. Would you like to hear the rules?"

(Y/n) crossed her arms with heavy lids. "Of course."

Jeff smiled excitedly. "Easy peasy." Pulling two decently sized flags out of his baggy sweatshirt pocket, (Y/n) observed how one was bright red while the other was bright yellow. "You get a flag and I get a flag. We may both decide where we wish our flags to be planted. The objective for us both is to pull the other's flag out of the ground and bring it back to our own. However, I do have house rules for this game, so you did the right thing asking for them to be explained." (Y/n) cracked her neck as she tried to relieve her nerves by biting the inside of her cheeks. "House rule #1: You may only confiscate your opponent's flag if they are not touching it with any part of their body. If they are, it does not count. House rule #2: If either of us confiscate the other's flag and bring it back to our own, you are only considered the winner if your flag is still planted into the ground. Any questions or concerns?"

Standing up and laughing sarcastically, (Y/n) glared at the man before her. "You must think I'm stupid or something. I know you are way faster than I am, since you're apparently not a human. I want a rule added. You must give me an hour head start."

Jeff smirked. Just what I wanted. "As you wish. Anything else?"

Putting her hand on her chin in a thinking position, (Y/n)'s leg shook as she thought of all possibilities. All the rules he has presented are extremely vague. I know he's up to something and will take the rules to the extreme without it considered cheating. We'd be here all night if I argued with every single rule. Should I just leave it be? "We are also not allowed to re-plant our flags elsewhere; once you decide on where you put it in the ground, it will stay there unless our opponent moves it. Also, if we both pull out each flag and attempt to return it to home base, only to find our own flag missing as well, this will result in a draw and neither of us win."

Jeff rolled his eyes and sighed dramatically. "And why should it be a draw?"

(Y/n)'s tongue clicked in annoyance. "Because it will make the strategy and game harder. We will both have to consider heavily whether we want to go after each other's flags, since it's a bigger risk to take. Otherwise, we would both simply take the risk without a second thought."

Jeff licked his lips, causing (Y/n) to shiver with disgust. Oh, I like her. I like her a lot. "As you wish. Will that be all?"

The investigator began to pace on the sidewalk. "Only one question. What do we both get if we win?"

It's not that Jeff hadn't thought about what he wanted yet; it was moreso that he wanted too many things to only choose one. Thus, finding himself in a quandary, Jeff finally made his incredibly difficult decision. Leaning in close enough to make (Y/n)'s heart pound with danger, Jeff's shadow loomed over her as his terrifying grin took over his features. "I want your underwear, Investigator."

Covering her mouth and moving to the forest bushes behind the bench, the woman genuinely began to gag, causing her to fall to her knees from the repulsion she felt. After several minutes of dry heaving, the woman wiped her mouth, thankful that she hadn't actually vomited. While Jeff pretended not to mind her hurtful action, he was smiling inwardly, excited about his prize. Glaring up at the murderer before her, she growled out her own prize idea. "I want you to leave me alone for one month. Don't talk to me, don't text me, don't show up at my house or my work, don't follow me at all. Don't look at me. Nothing. For one month."

Jeff's smug look was pissing her off. It was clear that he was feeling extremely confident --- cocky, even. He seemed absolutely unphased by the entire idea of her winning. Maybe my win over him last time got to his head, so now he's extremely focused on winning this time. "Deal. Shall we start?"

Checking her watch, the woman glanced at the time. "It is 12:04 AM. You may only begin after your clock reaches 1:04 AM. Now, if you'll excuse me." (Y/n) snatched the red flag from Jeff's hand before running into the darkness, to the point where not even Jeff's strong eyesight could see her silhouette within the trees any longer. Jeff sighed as he sat on the bench and laid his head back, staring at the cool-toned street lamp above his head. Though she's incredibly intelligent, nothing can prepare her for what's to come.

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