Fame & Misfortune

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*7:08 AM*

The time had come for the investigator to return to her normal life... well, her life prior to the psychopath before her emerging. With the sun rising and causing yellow and orange streaks across the sky, (Y/n) and Jeff both snuck back to her car successfully, without having to come across the rake once again. Upon arriving, the woman callously began getting into her car, much to Jeff's hesitation and dismay. "W-wait a second. So that's just it? You're not going to say goodbye?"

(Y/n) rolled her eyes and began shutting her car door before starting up the car and putting the window down a bit. "Like I said before, I don't owe you shit. See you in a month!" With a smirk, the woman began driving away without so much as a second glance in his direction. Jeff's fists trembled at his side as he glared at the car gaining further distance. Fuck. What do I do now? Beginning to sprint back home to the mansion, Jeff continued allowing thoughts to spiral in his mind. I have no choice but to accept her wish, as she earned it, after all. With the rate this is going... I may have to move my plans along more quickly than anticipated. With a devilish smile and several secrets being kept, Jeff continued onto the way home.

*2 weeks later*

It had been weeks since her reward for winning the second game was granted, and the woman was pleased to find that Jeff had, in fact, kept his promise to leave her alone thus far. This was unlike his MO, but he had also kept his word that he wouldn't commit any murders as long as she continued to play into his childish games. This did cause some awkwardness around the police department, as she could only do so much research on the murders alongside Art. Reporters had been active as well, oftentimes asking herself or Arthur for updates on the case, only for them to overall reject these requests and remain tight-lipped. To the public, this probably seemed negligent at best and irrational. To the bureau, however, it was because there were simply no more leads to follow; it was a double-edged sword, really. It was great because there weren't anymore dead bodies, but terrible because, to the average officer, it seemed the case had gone cold. Since the killer's MO completely changed and vanished, Art had begun to notice strange things about (Y/n)'s MO itself. For starters, she is notorious for never leaving a case unsolved and not stopping until she gets the closure the victims seek. It seemed drastically different as of late, with (Y/n) both taking the vacation and her behavior upon returning. She seemed perfectly content to stay out of office and leave earlier with there being no new information. To be fair towards her, Art had begun wondering himself where the investigation was headed, and if it was even worth the entirety of the department to fuel the manpower.

Regardless, something was off, and Art knew better than to ignore his gut feeling. Besides, since (Y/n) was known to move from state to state, and even to whole different countries to be closer to investigations. It was a surprise at all that she was still here and hadn't yet put her house up for sale, especially if she had begun to see finding justice for this case hopeless. It seemed that she was simply sticking around, almost as though she had no reason to live. She hadn't confided anything further in Art, either, making it almost impossible to tell what she was thinking ever since telling him about her brother, Jack. Nothing seemed to add up and yet, everything seemed connected. Although he wasn't proud of his actions, this was why Art deemed it appropriate to put a secretive GPS tracker underneath her vehicle.

He was ashamed, truly; curiosity and concern were the emotions that were further to the front of his mind, leading to his difficult decision to track her. He believed this would tell him the answers he sought after, but (Y/n) had only gone to work and home ever since she came back from vacation. Speaking of the girl, she knocked on his door with a sleepy smile before inviting herself in. "Hi Art. With no new evidence and with me going through all the old files yet again, I think I'm going to take off. Do you need anything?"

Art eyed the clock on his desk, which read 10:45 in the morning. Adjusting his glasses, he motioned for her to shut the door and have a seat. Upon getting seated, (Y/n) nearly froze as she heard Art's questionable tone. "Why are you still here?"

Trying to hide her nervousness, (Y/n) gulped before responding. "What do you mean?"

Art sighed before leaning forward, folding both his hands together and placing them on his desk. "I mean, why are you still here? This is the longest you've stayed anywhere and frankly, it surprises me you haven't gotten calls from other agencies requesting your help elsewhere."

(Y/n) chuckled and crossed her right leg over her left, smoothing her dress out in the process. "I don't believe I ever said I don't get calls from other agencies, as I most certainly do on a daily basis."

Art gave her a look of surprise before taking his glasses off and squeezing the bridge of his nose. "Then why don't you take them?"

(Y/n) felt flabbergasted by his question, as she hadn't been expecting to have this heavy conversation so suddenly. "I just thought you really needed my help here. We're still trying to catch this son of a bitch, right? That's what I'm here for. I can't let him get away with all this."

"What I'm saying is that we don't have any leads, none at all. No witnesses have been left alive, no evidence since this bastard apparently knows better than to leave prints, nothing. We see what he wants us to see." Getting up from his chair, Art put his glasses back on before opening the curtains from behind him and silently stared out of the window momentarily. Not daring to break the silence herself, (Y/n) simply sat and picked at a hangnail until Art decided to speak again. "I'm requesting for you to be reassigned elsewhere."

(Y/n) paused as she made the hangnail bleed. "What?! Why?!"

Art looked back at the woman's wide eyes as she had stood up so suddenly, allowing her chair to knock over on the ground. "It's nothing personal, but we can finish this ourselves. I believe you have more important cases that are far more solvable with your brain smarts than this one." Before (Y/n) could even respond, Art walked around his desk and past the speechless girl, opening the door in a silent plea for her to leave his office. "That's an order, Investigator."

Feeling incredibly vulnerable at the rejection she currently felt, she came up slightly short as she felt tears well within her eyes. Making her way towards the door achingly slow, she stopped as soon as her body was perfectly in line with Art's. Looking at him with nothing but determination, Art felt chills throughout his body as she spoke her next words. "Give me three weeks. If I can't solve this in three weeks, you have my word that I'll be gone." And with that, she simply walked away, knowing in her heart that Art had accepted her condition.

It's not that she hadn't seen this coming whatsoever; in fact, at some point or another, she knew this was bound to occur now that Jeff promised to stop killing. She just didn't think it would be this soon, and that prompted her to consider Art's motives for rushing her out. Is he suspicious of me? As she chewed her hangnail while driving home, she simply could not distract herself from the feelings of paranoia setting in. Even though she told Art she would be leaving if she couldn't bring the killer to justice within the next three weeks, this had simply been a bluff on her part to buy her some time. If I leave... he'll start killing again, won't he? Will he even let me ever leave? I mean, I know I'm my own person... but I put myself in this predicament where he is now my baggage. Arriving back home, (Y/n) decided to pour a bottle of wine and stop thinking about it. I still have two weeks off for my reward... I'm going to need every single second of that to think of a plan.

Between Art, (Y/n) and Jeff, all three individuals were scheming and devising plans on how to proceed forward. Art, being that he thought (Y/n) knew more than she let on, believed he would need to watch her moves very carefully, as the woman was one of the most intelligent people he'd ever met in his life. (Y/n) sat in her bathtub full of bubbles drinking wine while simultaneously thinking of how to catch Jeff, and what this would also mean moving forward with her move, and Jeff... well, that monster never ceased to reach depths lower than hell when it came to destroying lives. Jeff's plans for both him and (Y/n) were far more evil than one could comprehend. So, as the totality of (Y/n)'s reward came to a close, Jeff sent her yet another text enclosed with various details of their very next game.

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