Moon & Light

391 21 10

After both individuals had gone three turns each, it was more than safe to say that (Y/n) had a knack for marbles; Jeff was unfortunately embarrassingly terrible at the game before them, for he had only made one out of three marbles in the circle, while (Y/n)'s were all in. He growled as he glared at the girl as she finished her most recent turn. It's clear she chose this game purposefully due to her penchant for playing it. One thing's for certain --- I'm in huge fucking trouble if something doesn't change soon. Leaning down and aiming his fourth marble, Jeff's breath came to a slow stop as he focused solely on the task before him. (Y/n)'s eyes squinted tight as she heard his marble hit one of her own, resulting in two of his and two of hers being in the circle still. Damn, he's learning quick. I need to get it together and make sure I win. After all... (Y/n) leaned down and slowly breathed out as she shot her marble. I can't afford to lose.

Her fourth marble barely missed the mark as it ever so slightly went past the circle, much to (Y/n)'s dismay. Standing up from her crouch while crossing her arms, she looked over at Jeff and realized they had played this entire game in silence --- a sure sign of the emptiness they both were feeling simultaneously. (Y/n) wanted nothing more than to curl up into herself for the rest of time, while Jeff wanted nothing more than to keep his precious (Y/n) by his side forever. Neither could get what they wanted, but both still held onto hope. Regardless of who won this game, she was almost certain that neither would feel joyous. So, as Jeff's fifth marble seamlessly made it into the circle, (Y/n)'s figure began to stiffen as her eyes watered. No, I refuse to cry. Not. Until. I. Win.

Thus, (Y/n) got her fifth marble in, along with her sixth, seventh and eighth. Jeff managed to knock one out along with getting one of his own in, resulting in Jeff at five and (Y/n) at six. With only two turns to go, Jeff shot his second to last marble, successfully making it in the circle. Rubbing her sweaty palms onto her pants, (Y/n) closed her eyes momentarily and allowed the cold wind to encapsulate her in its comforting embrace. Finally, she shot her marble, successfully knocking another one of Jeff's out. The score was now four to seven, with (Y/n) in the lead; Jeff's only hope was soon crushed as he missed the circle entirely. The final score was four to eight. Jeff had lost.

His eyes made their way to the pavement as they began to water, causing Jeff to touch his cheek in shock as he attempted to process his emotions showing so blatantly. The investigator's own eyes widened as she witnessed the monster before her with tears streaming down his face involuntarily. As Jeff turned to face her, (Y/n) gulped and began to back away in fear, for the sight before her was absolutely terrifying. Jeff's freakish grin and old scar shone in the darkness, along with the water flowing down his face. Feeling for her gun with shaky hands, she began to pull it out on the off chance that Jeff were to attack her but paused as he spoke to her. "Don't bother, it's fine. I lost fair and square. You won." (Y/n)'s hot breath contrasted with the freezing air outside as her staggered breathing attempted to slow itself to no avail. Her twitching fingers slowly separated from her holster. Before she knew it, with her feet moving on their own, (Y/n) was on her way home as she attempted to shake off that indescribably uncomfortable feeling as she left Jeff in clear shambles back at the park.

As Jeff witnessed (Y/n) leaving, his eventually dried up on their own. Deciding to collapse onto the pavement, Jeff let out a stressed-out sigh as he stared up at the stars and the moon. The waning gibbous stared back at him as he got lost in its beauty. If my plan doesn't work... what will become of me? Will I be able to move forward with my life? No... I can't live without her and that's a fact. Jeff raised his arm up and put it over the moon, closing his hand and opening it back up repeatedly as though he were trying to grab it. (Y/n), (Y/n), (Y/n)... what would it take for you to also have feelings for me? Is my love something so despicable, so evil, that you couldn't comprehend it? If I told the moon about you, if I told her about your eyes and how they leave me speechless, or about your beautiful flesh and how I want to carve it, would she give you to me? I wonder how many people I would have to kill for you to realize I would do anything for you. Ten? One hundred? They are all meaningless sacrifices to me. As he continued to ponder the reason his heart raced so effortlessly, all Jeff could do was continue to daydream about what life could have been had they met sooner. Even though the only place he could see her, and she would want to see him was in his dreams --- Jeff didn't mind dreaming forever.

*One Week Later*

Today was the day, the final battle between (Y/n) and Jeff. If (Y/n) won, all harmony in the world would be restored, as he would be locked away behind bars forever and her reputation would remain intact. If Jeff won, simply nothing would happen, which to (Y/n) may as well be him winning regardless. If nothing was to be resolved, it would make everything nearly pointless --- from making deals with a killer to ruining her perfect reputation, everything would have proven to be a fruitless endeavor. As (Y/n) brushed through her (h/c) locks, she looked in the mirror to ensure she was relatively presentable, before going to her kitchen and making a cup of coffee. She gazed out her kitchen window towards her front lawn that possessed a 'for sale' sign very clearly.

As she sipped her black coffee, she sighed in contentment as she closed her eyes and thought back to her long road to where she was currently. Though this was by far the most invigorating case she had ever been in charge of, she regretted it all and wished she could go back to a time when she didn't know Jeff existed. There were so many questions and nearly no answers that she possessed or would ever possess. Through this, it was all on (Y/n) now to make something of her life. Opening her eyes and heading to her couch, she began to sift through the paper files that she had requested through various agencies for her next case. A string of unsolved killings in Colorado, a murder-suicide under suspicious circumstances in Alaska, a drug stint that had hints of human trafficking over multiple state lines. Regardless of how exciting these cases may have seemed in the past to (Y/n), her mind was still hooked on her brother and his connection to Jeff; Jeff's seemingly inhumane powers, as well as how he lived, was on her mind as well. Regardless, it was up to (Y/n) to pick one. Finding herself uninterested in all three, she randomly tossed them in the air and picked up the closest one to her, which was the drug stint and human trafficking cases. She sighed as she picked up the other files and put that one on top before sending a text to the lead detective on that case.

Hey Mark, just read your proposal and I think it's a fantastic idea for me to come down to Kansas to review the details about your case. I'll be looking at housing virtually within the next week and I will let you know when I'm headed down. Thanks, (Y/n) (L/n).

Cracking her fingers and stretching out her neck, (Y/n) attempted to alleviate some of the physical stressors her job was inflicting on her for the past few months. She slowly got up and brushed off her sweats and sweater as she went to one of her closets by the front door before getting out the game her and Jeff had agreed on shortly after the marbles match. For the third and final game, they both had decided it would be most fair to allow both to choose the game they both played for keeps. As she set it up at her dining room table, (Y/n) began to play by herself until he got there. She had been going over different strategies and rehearsing them in her head for the past several days to ensure her best chance of winning. As she was about to move one of the pieces, she paused as she heard her door open and close swiftly. Checking her watch, she noticed it was 19:12, and the sky had become dark. As she rose up from her chair and greeted her dreaded guest, he smiled as though he were reminiscing on their simpler times. "It's nice to see a friend."

(Y/n) rolled her eyes and turned around before beginning to set the game up for the two of them. "We'll never be that label."

Jeff's eyes narrowed at her as he took in the sight before her, his beautiful human. He licked his lips as he began to fantasize about bending her over the dining room table and having his way with her for hours, only snapping out of it once he realized how disgusted she would be with him if he voiced these fantasies truthfully. (Y/n) flinched as Jeff put his left hand on her right shoulder, before she shrugged it off. "I see you've been practicing. Likely a good idea for you as I am a master at this game."

(Y/n) tried to brush off the disgusted feeling that his physical touch brought her as he sat across from her. "Have you not been doing the same? Don't underestimate me."

Jeff's snarl got larger as he looked over the board before them. "Oh? I love when you threaten me, (Y/n) It's so... hot and daring." (Y/n) nearly vomited at his attempted flirting.

"Whatever, let's get this started."

Jeff laughed softly as he reached his hand out. "You've got it. Tell me... what's your favorite piece? Mine are..." Jeff moved a piece forward before making eye contact with the woman once again. "... pawns."

Fatalities (Yandere Jeff the Killer x Reader)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora