Cat & Mouse

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"...the string of killings with no apparent suspects still remains unsolved. Despite having a consistent method of killing, police have not been able to identify any key evidence that would lead to any arrests. A press conference was held earlier this morning by new lead investigator on the case, (Y/n) (L/n). Here's what she had to say about the matter."

"I understand everyone is frustrated and angry, and trust me when I say we are too. I promise we will get to the bottom of this, even if it's the last thing I do. I will be taking questions now."

*crowd murmurs throughout*

"Yes, you in the back."

"Yes, Ms. (L/n). I think we've all been wondering what's so difficult about this case, considering this is your first case that has remained unsolved for more than a few weeks after being assigned to you."

"Well, we do have several theories about what the suspect could be like. Due to the likely nature of the perpetrator, however, those details remain to be seen in public until we can get a better-"

Enough. Clanging on the table from being dropped, the remote was let go of by shaking hands filled with rage and frustration. A glass of whiskey was swirled with ice as the owner of the liquor downed the rest of the drink with ease, before throwing the cup at the wall. Glass scattered the hardwood floors that were being illuminated by the light of a fireplace. Detective (Y/n) (L/n), renowned for solving even the most difficult of cases, had been outsmarted by a mere pest perpetrating violence into the world. There was nothing more insulting to the woman's intelligence than this fact.

With an angered scoff, the woman opened the paper file up that was sitting in her lap, daring to be read. Hesitantly, (Y/n) opened the file before re-reading the words that plagued her mind, alongside the dozens of photos containing the crime scenes. The M.O. was the same every time; a smile carved into the victims' faces with a butcher knife was determined by forensics. Victims were family members every time.. The cause of death was the same each time, which were stab wounds. Burglary was not a motivation for the murderer and nothing seemed out of place at the scenes.

There was something missing that could potentially solve the entire case, and (Y/n) knew this. Although she had only taken over the case exactly 3 weeks ago today, she was frustrated at the sheer fact that this had been the longest unsolved case she'd ever had. Whoever the perpetrator was, he was good. (Y/n) had determined through his M.O. that this was likely an individual who was early to late 20's, a loner with self-esteem issues and anger, likely operating on the idea of revenge. The carved smiles could symbolize a plethora of meanings, but (Y/n) hypothesized that it was both for mocking law enforcement and for potentially signifying that the killer believed his victims to be fake or posing. The subject was also almost certainly a psychopath with no remorse or sympathy for his actions.

Frankly, she didn't know why they hadn't called her in sooner. This had been an ongoing murder spree for several months now with no end in sight. The upside to the killer's M.O. was the fact that he always killed within the same 30 mile radius, making it likely he either lives in the area or has some attachment to it. Though he was meticulous, leaving no witnesses alive, he was a man of habit. (Y/n) was sure she would find him, it was just a matter of identifying him that was proving difficult.

Deciding she had occupied far too much of her mind with the mystery for the night, the woman stood from her chair as she stretched and yawned, placing the file in her chair and putting out the fire before her. With a new string of murders being committed nearly every three days, the woman began to feel a strong sense of guilt for being unable to stop the subject sooner. There would likely be more evidence through more murders awaiting her tomorrow morning; she would be ready, standing fiercely, prepared to pounce like the panther she was. Don't get cocky, now. I'll find you, and that's a promise.

An eerie smile invaded pale skin, a husky chuckle echoing through the cramped bedroom the occupant currently found himself in. The investigator wasn't the only one who had watched the press conference and currently had thoughts on the case. Switching the television off, the individual laid back in bed, a pleasant sigh leaving a still-smiling mouth.

"So... she thinks she knows what I'm like, huh?" Picturing the detective in his mind as if it were a burnt photo, Jeff found himself feeling genuinely excited for the first time in a long time. "Come and find me, little mouse."

*4:19 AM*

"Yeah? ... okay, I'm on my way." Groaning while rubbing her eyes awake, (Y/n) got up from bed, having just gotten a phone call that yet another family had been found murdered within their home. As she began to get dressed and complete her hygiene, she pondered what the real motivation was for the killer. It was rather odd how he had yet to communicate directly with the police. Normally, a murderer of his caliber would likely have contacted news outlets or us to brag. He seems highly motivated through the thrill of the chase. So... what's stopping him? Sipping her coffee and shaking her thoughts away, the investigator continued to drive towards the labyrinth of crime.

*20 minutes later*

"Investigator (L/n), I'm Detective Langely. We got a call at approximately 4 in the morning from the babysitter when the family wasn't answering their phones or the door. She called in for a wellness check and this is what we found." As (Y/n) looked at the scene before her, there was nothing out of the ordinary witnessed. So he followed his M.O. again... damn. A young couple with a young son were all dead within their respective rooms. Smiles were carved upon their faces, along with stab wounds to the body.

As she took a sip from her coffee cup, the investigator responded. "Hmm... no valuables taken, correct?" The detective beside her nodded, before both having to move aside for forensics to take photos of the scene before them. As the woman went to the little boy's room, she looked at the child with sadness and guilt. This is proving to become more difficult. Taking another sip from her cup, the woman paused while feeling her heart rate pique. "Has this table been swabbed for prints yet?" She asked a forensic staff. Receiving a nod in response, the woman put her cup upon the table before leaning forward to look at the boy's face more closely.

"Hey, someone get me a glove." A member of the force obliged. Putting on the glove, the woman reached for the boy's mouth that had been carved, seeing something sticking out. "Someone come get a photo of this!" As she opened the mouth with her gloved hand, she slowly pulled out a piece of paper with cameras flashing as she did so. Knitting her brows, (Y/n) slowly unfolded the piece of paper, eyes widening at the message presenting itself.

"You think you know me, little mouse?
I think I'll know you once I pounce."

"Well, shit. M.O. change. Now, why would he do that?" Detective Langely leaned over (Y/n), also observing the paper. "Wonder what it means." (Y/n) knew exactly what it meant, her gut telling her that this had everything to do with her press conference from the day prior. If it's a battle you want, then it's a battle you'll get. With a triumphant smile, (Y/n) put the paper in an evidence bag being held out to her, before taking the glove off and stepping out. Taking out her journal, the woman began writing additional notes and thoughts. You're not as clever as you think, pest. You've told me a lot more about yourself than you think.

Author's Note: Hello, and welcome to my new fanfic! First and foremost, I have crazy plans for the story, so please stick around for this wild ride! I am pursuing my bachelors in forensic psychology, so a lot of what I write about via the investigative psychological thought processes is pretty accurate (I also work within the criminal justice field). I don't know tons about forensics themselves though, so crime scene things like evidence bagging may be a bit inaccurate (sorry!). If you haven't already, please check out my Eyeless Jack fanfic, since it is about halfway completed! Enjoy! 

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