~The Fall~

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Another week passes by in a blink.

You've both adjusted to this life of yours. He's started to teach you the art of cooking. You don't think you'll ever get to half of what he can do, but it's sweet anyway.

Today feels different, though. He leads you to try and cook breakfast on your own today. He takes a seat where you typically sit and rests his chin in his hands. "This is gonna be nothing compared to your cooking, you know that right, Al?" You huff.

It's not that you don't know what you're doing. You used to cook when your mother couldn't or you'd help her cook when she wasn't occupied with other things. You hum to the music on the radio as you crack the eggs in the pan and dash salt and pepper. You drip a bit of milk as you tip the pan back and forth, scrambling as you cook, getting a better consistency than breaking down the yolks and such in a glass. "I am sure you'll do just fine, darling." He smiles at you.

You nod, smiling as you drop the eggs on the plate and start on the meat. You lay the strips down and take a handful of the mixed spices that Alastor taught you did best to get that smoky salty kind of flavor bacon has. You smile while watching your work carefully. You wait until you can smell it, before flipping the pieces.

It takes a bit, and you're not sure it looks as appealing as it should compared to his. You take the completed breakfast and set it down on the table. You take the seat he usually sits in and watch him hopefully. He acknowledges the eggs with a pleased hum. However, that much was easy. You had no issue cooking things like that. He picks up your version of bacon and takes a tender bite. "See, you did just fine."

You taste your serving and shrug. It lacks that ring that Alastor's cooking has. You eat slower while talking to him throughout the meal.

The entire day is all yours. Another day off for him. "Say, should we head out for today? Get you some more clothes? Or pick out jewelry?" You nod excitedly.

"That sounds great!" You smile, taking his plate and cleaning up this time.

Alastor watches you with a small sigh. She's so perfect. For somebody only just learning how to cook with meat from another human being, she's done exceedingly well. He was worried he'd find it bland or it wouldn't be done right. However, all it lacked was a small bit of flavor, and it could have done with some more time on the stove, but other than that it was fine. Though he could see her disappointment. She adores his cooking so much she's finding anything else to be underwhelming. He finds that adorable. She'd go hungry without him! Except for sweets. He notices that refuses to leave her. He supposes he must get used to having sweet things prepared for you from now on.

He keeps sweets in the cabinets, but he notices you'll go through it a bit faster than he can comfortably replace it. He will never understand how you like sweets. He finds it bland on his tongue or boring. That or it just makes his face tense up when it's on his tongue. He just doesn't like it. You do, and that's enough reason to keep some stashed in the cupboard.

He waits for you to get ready to go out, does a bit of tidying up, and checks the fridge. Tonight will be a hunt. He's run a bit low. He should also stop by the butcher to get some of the slabs altered, so he can use it for other dishes. He hums, taking a few slabs and placing them in a bag. He closes the fridge just as you exit to the living room. "I need to stop at the butcher's to get some things done. Would you be alright stopping there first?"

You smile with a shrug. "Sure!" He knew you wouldn't decline, but it felt proper to ask you anyway. He opens the door for you and hums a bit as he locks up. You take your seat on the passenger's side, leaning back in the seat.

"You're not wearing any jewelry today?" He raises a brow, looking at your outfit for the day.

"Thought it would be too much with the fluff, the hat, and the dress." You shrug.

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