~Little Closer~

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You wake up to humming and the smell of delicious food. You wipe sleep from your eyes as you glance over the back of the couch.

"Ah, my dear, did I disturb your rest?" He's... he asks as if nothing happened yesterday.

You shake your head looking for a clock. There's an old grandfather clock by the entrance to the hall. You blink at the time, nearly eleven. You forgot you turned your alarm off yesterday. "No..." You mumble listening to his humming, and you recognize the tune. The only reason you do so is because of your small look into the 20's. "Ah is that I ain't nobody's darling? I could be wrong haha" awkward.

"It is my dear! Why you know your tunes!"

You shake your head a bit flushed. "Ah no, nope definitely not. I mean I know a few. I looked into this time period... a little."

Alastor nods with a shrug. "Well, why not join in as I make brunch? Considering you woke so late, my dear, and I hadn't the heart to try and sneak about and wake you when you looked to be so at peace!"

God, he's a sweetheart. There's no way this is a front for something like your stepfather. He's gorgeous, hot... "God, how are you single?" You cover your mouth at the slip of the tongue.

He laughs, flipping what must be an omelet on the stove. "I have little interest in such things!"

You tilt your head. "An aromantic huh?"

"A What now?" You rest your chin on the back of the sofa, watching him with a small smile forming on your lips.

"It's a word we use, a label of sorts. When a person doesn't feel attraction, well I mean they can, it's a spectrum. I suck at explaining things ya know?"

"I have never been one to enjoy labels, it is what it is." You snicker at his response. For such a man, he's nonchalant about a lot of stuff.

"What are your views and stuff? Like rights and people."

"Haha if that is your creative way to judge moral standing, you are very awful at slipping topics into conversation naturally, my dear! I could care less about everything really! Women and men are all the same to me." Though he does tend to kill men. He makes no judgment. "Preferences of others are not my care, darling. All people are people."

Odd response? You shrug, mutual feelings honestly. You cross your arms tryna find something to talk about. "Do you smoke?"

"I do not. I have thought about trying.'' He wonders what her reaction would be if he said they were a victim's possession. Likely the same disturbed reaction if he told her what she was eating as of late. To be fair, she is the one who gave him the idea in her ramble about not minding ideas but not seeing the appeal in one of his favorite dishes!

You snicker slightly as you hum. It's a lullaby that your mother wrote.

"A pretty tone, what is it?" You pause for a second siling.

"Mama's song. Just her song." You go back to humming, and Alastor listens to it. You're a mama's girl then. Oh, he does wonder about the horrors you've been through. Yet he wonders how he would react if his suspicion was right. If you and he shared something in the pain department. Though clearly there is a difference. How did you stay so sweetly angelic? Of course, last night rings in his head.

He remembers the disgust in your eyes, the way you clawed at your arms as if thoughts were plaguing you that made you want to rip your mind to shreds. It was delectable. He had debated revealing the cigars. Debated finding an excuse to watch you torment yourself in conflict. You breaking so soon would cut off his entertainment though.

When he delivers the meal and takes a seat in front of you, he watches you do as you do each meal. You poke and examine before nibbling. You scarf down the food as you always do. This time though, you pause. He raises a brow. He watches you dig around the inside and frowns. Did he mess something up? "Thought so." He raises a brow further.

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