~Little Moments~

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There were only two more days to follow where you woke to breakfast and had the time to pass through talking to him.

You figured he would have to head back to work at some point, but you were enjoying the constant company. He was growing on you.

Sitting as you finish your breakfast, you hum to yourself. You've grown accustomed to his cooking. You're not sure you'll ever find anything that will satisfy you when you have gotten so used to the flavors he manages to bring out.

"How does steak sound for the night?" He calls out, standing with his hands on his hips as he observes his fridge. You've never questioned the supply he has. He's a hunter, so you wonder if he trades his catch for other things.

You shrug, you haven't had that in ages. Your mother never liked cooking it. She could never perfect it, so it wasn't chewy, and your stepfather hated meat that wasn't perfect. He would say it was simple, but you never saw him so much as lift a finger. "Sure, you're cooking, so it's destined to be perfect, right?" You flash him a smile.

He chuckles a bit, tapping his foot. "Haha, well there is also the possibility of jambalaya, my mother's signature dish! A personal favorite of mine." He watches the way you straighten up and stare with those dumb little stars in your eyes. Any small detail about him seems to make you look at him with that doe-eyed innocence.

"Really? Oh, I'd love to have something you like! It must be amazing if you adore it! Could we have that tonight? I mean, if it's no trouble to you, can we?" He nods, making sure everything is there for tonight. Then he'll start it after whatever activity they will consume their time with.

Taking a seat in the usual chair, he taps his fingers on the armrest. "Have you found anything about how you will return home?"

You fidget and shake your head. He has a feeling you stopped looking, leaving it up to whatever force dropped you here. Amusing, there must be nobody for you to return to. At least nobody is important to you. "Brighten up! You are never fully dressed without a smile! And I happen to find your smile dazzling, my dear!"

He always makes way for you to smile. You curse him at times when you wish to sulk. "I can almost walk on my own. Plus, whatever nearly killed me doesn't seem to be an issue. Any internal issues seem fine."

Alastor raises a brow at your words. "Where is this going?" A week is certainly not enough time for the little dame to have healed completely. Though the ability to walk and such isn't too unbelievable. He did take good care of the little deer.

"I dunno, I thought I could go out and try and mingle? Integrate into society." You just don't think you could be caught up here forever. You like it, you like spending time with him, but it'll bore you to remain here until you get home, if you ever do.

Alastor considers things for a moment, before shaking his head. "Not a good idea!" He hums a bit chipper. "You would stand out in a city like this. Though if you learned a few table manners, then I suppose you could pass as a nice country dame." He snaps his fingers to point them at you.

You shrug and swing your feet.

"I could do that! I can actually act all proper if I need to! Oh, here I can show you!"

Sure, why not entertain him. "Haha, that would be something given your manners, or rather lack-their-off."

You huff standing up and displaying your curtsy. "Does my typical behavior offend you, good sir?" A knowing little smirk crosses your lips. "I am not from 'round here. Have I offended you? I deeply regret such."

Oh? You truly are something. "Bravo! You could be an actress with such a display."

You place your hand to your mouth, offset by your own acting. You only ever acted prim and proper for him and his guests. "Eh, dealing with the son of a bitch had its perks I suppose." It slips without you meaning to.

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