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You stir to the smell of food. You never sleep like this. Then again, you were never allowed to slack off on the duties you had. "Al?" You mumble groggy from your sleep.

"Al?" He questions how you called him.

You nod, laying your chin on the back of the sofa. "Mhm, like a nickname, or is that like a no this time?"

"We are still strangers, but I do not mind."

You smile lightly, yawning as a bowl is set on the coffee table next to you. You turn to take it and put it on your lap. "What's this?"

"Chilli." He smirks, of course, with his spin on it, but you didn't seem to mind it during breakfast.

You nod blowing, then take a bite. Once again, it is heavenly. You swallow down the food in seconds, inhaling the entire bowl, before sticking out your tongue, eyes watering. "Spicy! Spicy! Shit, that's hot!" Alastor tilts his head with a sharp laugh.

Your glare entertains him as he fetches you a glass of milk. He hands it to you, finding your behavior amusing as he consumes his bowl much slower than you do. "How do you feel this evening?"

"Huh? Oh fine." Anything is better than home. Anything. At this point, the entire world, even the streets, would be better than living at home. He gives you a knowing look, and you swallow. "It hurts a little. I've felt worse though." It's the truth, but you won't go on much more than that. He nods standing to clean the dishes. "I still feel like I'm inconveniencing you. I mean, you must have better things to do, and I'm spending your money and resources with nothing to give."

"Haha, what bunk my dear! I have already said I find you to be in excellent company! Quite the entertainment of the ages!" He catches her staring and sighs. "Nonsense darling. What nonsense."

You make an oh facepalming and hitting a tender bruise with a hiss. "Eventually I'll pick up on the slang." You sheepishly shrug and go to run your hands through your hair. "Uh, do you have running water?"

"I do, but I would wait another two or three days before you try and bathe darling. Mind your injuries. They are still fresh." You nod trying to find a topic for conversation.

"What sorta radio show do you conduct?" Alastor sits down in the rocking chair at your question.

With the drumming of his fingers, he smirks. "Well, there are the boring things. What the day may bring. Then exciting things like the murders."

"Wow... you must love your job." He can't help but hear the jealousy in her voice, and oh does he take pleasure in her sour words.

He pretends not to notice. "Why, of course! It is a well-paying job and quite the fun one, if I do say so myself!" He pauses, leaning a bit closer to you. He wishes to pry into her, and wishes to know more about the rabbit he's brought into his den. "What did you do?"

You shake your head. "Didn't have the job."

"Well, you are not married, I see no ring. Then do women go to college these days?"

"Didn't do that either..." Yet there is longing. Oh? She must have wanted to go to college. Clearly, it was not the expense.

"You have no ring, so whatever were you up to at 20?" He prods for more and her lips seal.

You think about responding. You don't think you will, but something about him makes it easy to talk to him. He's so perfect. "My mother needed help around the house." When you speak, you recall you had trusted your stepfather too. He had not been this level of charming, but your mother swooned all the same. Then, he turned out to be this cruel bastard.

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