Knowing is The Hardest Part

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       Bella drives to the Cullen's after her sister told her the news. "Who attacked her?" She wonders nervous before getting out of her truck. "Alice! Edward!" She shouts quietly before the both of them enter quickly. "It was vampires, vampires attacked her." Bella says while Edward pulls her into a hug. "She said it herself." Bella cries while Edward holds her closer looking at Alice. "Your sister has the ability to hide herself from us. Like you, I can't read your thoughts. Hers I can but it comes and goes. Alice, can't see her future at all, hardly that is. Only when her mind is open can we see. Her mind is strong. If Alice could've foretold it, we would've made sure she didn't go into those woods. "But, I knew the nomads were out there, you told me. You said some were passing through, that they're the ones behind the murders. I shouldn't have let her go." Bella responds while Edward pulls away.

       "Now that the nomads have her scent, they will come back for her." Edward says and Alice walks over to them. "Not if we can help it. We will watch her. Make sure she's safe." Alice tells Bella while she nods. "She's going to be in the hospital for another week, possibly two. Then after, it's going to be hard." Bella says while Edward nods. "We'll make it work."

      Two weeks past and I'm finally leaving the hospital. It's been hard, and painful. I'm finally able to shower. The sponge baths only get me so far. Bella helps with the showers and Dad makes sure I have food. My bandage gets changed regularly. I also make him scratch my foot when needed. Jacob has been coming over more. Helping me with anything. He lets me braid his long hair when I want to while telling me about his day. "I don't want Paul coming over here." He mumbles softly and I stop playing with his hair when he looks back at me. "He's in a gang. Sam's gang." Jake replies and I roll my eyes. "Plus, Sam just watches me as if I'm next." Jake replies before turning back straight again. "What if you can't come one day, or Bella can't be here, dad has patrol, and I only see Alice and Jasper a couple times a week when you're not here. That leaves two days of me being by myself." I say running my fingers through his hair releasing the braid. "It won't hurt, they found me and saved me that day. So like I said it wouldn't hurt. I feel like I owe it to them for them to check in on me too." I finish softly before letting his hair go when he stands up.

     "Alright, we will do that but if Paul tries anything let me know and I'll kill him." Jake says and I laugh before stopping from the sharp pain. "Paul wouldn't do that." I respond while Jake just bends down to kiss my head. "Get some rest, your dad will be home in five minutes." Jake says while getting up. "You know what sucks the most. I'll be missing my prom." I say softly while Jake turns back to me. "How about this, once you're healed. You get all dressed up and I'll dance with you. How does that sound?"

      "Thanks Jake." I smile before laying back down and he leaves the room. Falling asleep, I'm awoken to shouts and screams and cries. "I go to get up but stumble and fall on the floor." Crying from the intense pain. Dad and Bella run in while helping me back in bed. "What's going on?" I cry while Bella stands back up looking at me and Dad. "I can't do this anymore Charlie." Bella says before running out of my room with a bag over her shoulder. "Bel...Bella! Get back here!" Dad shouts and I try to get back up again to grab my crutches but Dad looks back at me. "Stay in bed honey." With that Dad runs after Bella.

       Dad is frantic, trying to call Bella. He calls mom but mom doesn't answer and I lay in bed. Unable to fall asleep, I watch the sun rise and I hear a slight knock on my door. Looking over I see Paul. Smiling I slowly pick myself up before laying back against my headboard. "Hi Paul. I didn't call you." I say while he smiles entering into my room. "Jake told me to check in on you today." He replies and I nod while grabbing my crutches slowly pulling myself up. "Your dad is out right now. Your sister fell down some stairs and broke her leg." Paul tells me and I stop my crunch walk to look over to him. "What?" I say before feeling my bladder feel its natural urge to relieve itself. "One moment." I say while heading for the bathroom to do my business. After washing my face and brushing my teeth. With much delay being on crutches. I head out to smell Bacon and Eggs downstairs. "You making me breakfast?" I shout and I hear a "Yeah" back before Paul is walking back up the stairs to pick me up after setting my crutches down against the wall by the stairs.

        "Thank you." I say after Paul sets me in the chair. "Eat up so you can take your meds." Paul says and I nod. After breakfast, I'm medicated and now sitting on the couch with my foot propped up on the coffee table with a pillow to support it. We're watching the game on tv and I feel myself get drowsy from lack of sleep and my pain meds. "You're so warm." I say nonchalantly the medicine making me loopy and lack of sleep in the mix. I feel the word vomit come out of me. "Like a heater." I mumble next to him. My head falls on his shoulder and I'm out.

Waking up, I'm now horizontal on the couch and Dad is sitting in the recliner. "Paul had to leave but he told me you did okay today." My dad says while I sit up. "How is Bella?"

     "She's okay. She'll be home in a couple of days." With that I nod and look back at him. "Can you help me upstairs." With a nod from dad he walks me upstairs setting me on my bed. Leaving my room, I slowly change into fresh clothes before getting into bed. "Now that Bella and I both have broken feet. Who will bathe us?"

     Falling back asleep my dream turns into a nightmare. I'm running away from something, I'm looking back but I don't see who or what it is. I jump over fallen trees, duck under tree limbs, and keep hearing the taunts of the creatures calling out for me. I feel myself get pushed into a tree feeling the breaking of my ribs, the scratches from the earth and tree bark and the cracking of my foot from it fracturing. I feel myself get picked up by my throat. Seeing the red eyes of the man I've been seeing in my nightmares. I begin to scream thrashing against his chokehold he has on me and I cry and try to fight him off.

     "Finally caught you, I love a good chase." Screaming when he bites into me. I thrash around before I'm waking up. "Drew! Drew! It's just a dream. It's just a dream." Jake says pulling me into his arms while I cry. Ignoring the pain in my side and foot. The phantom pain of a bite, that isn't there, lingering while I hold Jake tighter. "No, it was a nightmare." I whisper.

    "What is it?" My dad says coming in quickly while Jake turns back to him. "Bad dream." Jake responds while I try to calm down. "Thank you Jake for being here. I know it's early in the morning but I have patrol." My dad says and I look over at the clock seeing it's just ten after five. "I'm sorry." I whisper while Jake just holds me tighter. "Don't be sorry it's okay. It's all in your head." Jake says while dad kisses my head before glancing at me one last time before leaving. "Lay back down. I'll hold you." Jake says and I nod laying back while he takes off his shoes getting into bed with me.

   "You wanna tell me about it?" Jake asks and I shake my head no holding him tighter. "It, felt so real." I whisper while he pulls me into his chest more. "I can't wait to get this stupid cast off and these stiches out." I mumble before I hear a knock at my bedroom door. "Am I interrupting something here?" Paul questions and I'm looking back shaking my head. "No. just a nightmare I had. Jake would always do this when we were kids, when I had a bad dream." I say while Paul nods and Jake glares at Paul and I roll my eyes while looking back at Paul.

     "What was it about?" Paul asks and I can see the rise and fall of his Adam's apple as he steps closer. "Might as well tell it Jake." I say to him before looking back down at his shirt. "Red eyes." I whisper looking down at my fingers. Playing with the dead skin by my nails. I look back at Paul who stares at nothing in particular before looking back at me. "The dreams have always been the same since that day. I didn't truly understand them at first, mind piecing together of what happened to me. The dreams started happening after my first night in the hospital after surgery. It was dreams of these people with red eyes hunting me, taunting me, hurting me. I would scream myself awake and had to be sedated, after I fought the nurses to get away, thinking it was those...monsters. My mind and body still stuck in the nightmare. This last nightmare though, the one guy who got excited about chasing me as if it were a game for him, like a child playing with its food, bit me. Usually the wolves would get there in time to stop them. Only this time, they didn't make it in time." I finish looking up at Jake who looks at me finally knowing the whole story before looking at Paul.

      "Get some rest." Paul says before heading out of the room. "Can we go back to sleep now? You've always been my dream catcher. Maybe this time I'll be able to have a full rest for once and not naps that last as long as an hour." I say yawning while he holds me closer. "Sure." Is all he says before kissing my head and pulling me closer.


        Twilight is almost done—-I skipped around a lot because I really wanna get to writing new moon. That's when Embry comes in.

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