The Dark Lord stood at the back of the room and so far, was just taking the battle in while his Death Eaters took the brunt of the battle. But Harry knew that the scale would tip and the Dark Lord would step in. Harry grinned and walked forward since he was going to tip that scale.

The Dark Lord noticed him the moment that he appeared while Harry held his wand out. Voldemort stepped forward and the fighting paused briefly before Harry turned his wand on the statue, something that he'd always hated, and blew the damn thing apart with a dark spell.


The Ministry shook as Harry held the magic and the fighting stopped as everyone focused on him. Dark mists swirled up towards the ceiling and along the floor as chunks of stone rained down onto the floor. Slow clapping filled the silence and Harry's eyes locked on Voldemort.

"Showing your true colours," Voldemort announced with a smirk.

"I always hated that statue," Harry muttered.

"I must commend you on your deception," Voldemort consented as he looked at him with those cold brown eyes. "To stand there and still have the Ministry convinced that you are a saviour of the light."

Harry tightened his hold on his wand as Voldemort sneered the last word. He had the Dark wizard's full attention as the Aurors and Albus combated the Death Eaters and sheltered those still trying to flee the Ministry. Harry shifted his stance and knew that it would always come to this. Even if the prophecy had never been uttered in this world, it seemed that he was always fated to face Voldemort. However, this time he had greater knowledge and magic on his side.

"Nothing to say to that, Swift?" Voldemort pressed, with a glint in his eyes.

"I could hardly convince you otherwise," Harry retorted. "You and I still stand before the other's wand."

"That could have been different," Voldemort sighed and almost looked regretful. "And yet you are correct."

"Avada Kedavra!" Harry and Voldemort cast at the same time.

Both spells collided then blasted out in a wave of dark magic. Harry gritted his teeth as he held a shield and put his trust in Albus that he had shielded everyone else as the magic swirled around them. Voldemort grinned as he held his own wand before him. The power around them was staggering as Harry felt that darkness within him rise up.

With that display of magic, the two powerful wizards had cleared the space around them. Harry and Voldemort eyed each other off as the fighting had been pushed to the edges of the large room. They held their wands out before them as they waited for the next move. The taste of magic still on the air as the dust slowly settled. Harry could feel Albus behind him as he kept up a strong barrier charm while Aurors tangled with the Death Eaters.

"It's such a shame," Voldemort remarked.

"Are you still trying to recruit me?" Harry laughed. "Or are you realising that I am harder to kill then you first believed?"

"It's the dark magic that I can feel on the air that confuses the issue," Voldemort retorted.

Harry's hand clenched on the wand in his hand and could feel that darkness. The Elder wand felt warm in his palm as Voldemort gave him a cold smile.

"Sectumsempra," Harry hissed as he flicked his wand.

Voldemort stepped to the side calmly and the spell hit the barrier charm behind him with a loud ringing.

"Serpensortia," Voldemort hissed.

A large black snake lunged forward as it was summoned and Harry tensed.

Golden Age by black_bladeजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें