Chapter 21: Chapter Twenty-one

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Remus shifted on his feet before knocking on Swift's office door. He could feel the sickness in his stomach but the fear had abated from his wolf form. After few minutes, Remus knocked again and glanced around the hallway as he waited. He was sure that Swift was in his office by the scent that he could smell but that had fooled him before. His eyes snapped back to the door when it opened then he paused as he took in the sight of Severus Snape.

"Um," Remus stuttered. "Is Professor Swift in?"

"Yes," Severus said smoothly with hard black eyes.

"I need to see him," Remus pressed as his temper flared.

"Let him in," Swift called from inside the office.

Severus pushed the door open with a sigh and turned away.

"Shut the door after you," Severus ordered.

Remus bit back on his retort as he stepped into the office to see Severus walk through an archway at the back of the office and Remus followed. He walked through the archway and it closed behind him. He'd stepped into a tasteful living room with a fireplace, lounge, a large table and another smaller table to the side of the room. A kitchen was to the side and there were three doors scattered around the room. The walls were strangely bare as Remus focused on Swift seated at the large table. He had books and papers scattered across the surface and what looked like maps and house plans. Those green eyes pieced him as Remus came to stand before the table. Severus settled back into one of the chairs beside Swift.

"Mr Lupin," Swift greeted with a smile. "How are you today?"

"Um, well." Remus muttered and his eyes darted to Severus. "It's the night of the full moon, sir."

"Ah, yes." Swift cried and jumped to his feet. "Thanks for reminding me."

Swift hurried across the room and Remus took in the fact that he looked very muggle in jeans and a shirt. After reading about the attack at Diagon Alley he expected to see Swift in a more wizard view but the muggle look didn't shift in his mind. The man grabbed a wooden box and flicked the lid open to reveal potions.

"Severus," Swift called over his shoulder. "Have I taught you this potion?"

"No," Severus answered.

"That will be our next lesson then."

"Can you teach me?" Remus butted in and Swift glanced over his shoulder.

"This a very complex potion," Swift answered as he closed the lid on the wooden box and turned back to them. "We can attempt to teach you but it may be beyond your skill level."

"I want to learn it," Remus insisted, his voice almost a growl.

"Very well," Swift agreed and walked back towards him. "I must warn you that the ingredients that go into this potion are not cheap."

"Oh," Remus muttered and looked down at the floor.

"I'm sure that we can come to some kind of agreement," Swift said as he settled at the table once more and waved his hand. "Have a seat Remus. Would you like a drink? You're looking pale."

"What kind of agreement?"

"I will have to think on that," Swift admitted as he leaned back in his chair.

"What would you ask of me?" Remus demanded and Severus snorted. "I won't agree to something when I don't know what will be asked of me."

Those green eyes pieced him and for a split second he was reminded of Lily Evans when she would get into a rage. He wasn't sure why that popped into his head as Remus stared back. The wolf giving him more strength than he felt. Swift just reached over the table and placed a vial before Remus without a question.

Golden Age by black_bladeOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora