Chapter 13: Chapter Thirteen

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Albus looked down the Head Table in concern as he took in Harold Swift and how pale and sick that he looked. He hadn't shaved and his face looked drawn and pale. His green eyes were still sharp but Albus could tell that he wasn't feeling well as he rubbed his temples and forehead. Minerva leaned over and said something to Harry and the man turned to her. Harry was unlike any teacher that he'd had before and the students both liked and hated him in equal measure. He could be gruff and quick to lay out what he wanted to say without sugar coating and yet would take his time with any student that needed help.

He had debated speaking to the man about the Order of the Phoenix on many occasions and yet had held back each time. The man had power behind him and knew how to use it. Albus believed that's what held him back. His contacts within the Ministry had spoken about the pull that Harry had there and with the man working here as well. It concerned Albus. The fact that no one had heard about Harold Swift until about six months before he applied for the Defence position also threw up red flags.

If Harold Swift was working with Voldemort or had been turned then Albus wasn't sure they would win.

Harry suddenly stood from his seat looking pale. He hurried to the door behind the Head Table and through. Albus stood from his seat in concern and headed that way. He walked through the door to see Harry throwing up into a bucket that man had conjured. He was on his knees and didn't look like the powerful wizard that Albus knew that he was.

"I'll get you a jug of water," Albus offered and walked back into the Hall.

He picked up the jug and a glass before he walked back into the hallway behind the Head Table. Harry was seated on the floor with the bucket beside him and took the jug and glass that Albus held out.

"Thanks," Harry muttered and washed his mouth out before sipping on the water.

"I can cancel your afternoon classes," Albus mentioned. "Perhaps you might want to see Madam Promfrey?"

"Thank you for your concern but I'll be fine," Harry said, his voice rough. "Just a back fire to a mind spell."

Albus reeled back from that confession but Harry wasn't looking at him. Albus could tell that he had a lot on his mind as Harry stared at the stones before he looked up at Albus. There was an aged look to the man's eyes that struck him on a different level.

"Auror Greengrass told me that he'll be stationing a squad of Aurors here next week?" Harry asked.

Then the moment was broken.


Sirius laughed loudly beside Remus as James sat backwards on his chair at his desk in front of Sirius. Lily sat next to James but was speaking to the girl beside her. Peter was speaking to a Slytherin beside him and Remus felt a little like an island in the classroom. He glanced around and took in the rest of the Gryffindors and Slytherins. They were waiting for Professor Swift to arrive while Remus played with the pendent on the chain around his neck.

Remus's eyes strayed to Severus Snape as he sat between Narcissa and Avery. He was focused on the table before him but Remus could tell that Narcissa was talking to him. He felt a bolt of envy run through him and, in some ways, he'd wanted Swift to take him on as an apprentice. He owed Swift so much for the potion that he supplied before the full moon and the pendent around his neck. Swift however, had asked for nothing in return. Remus kept waiting for the other shoe to drop but Swift had kept to his word.

"Okay," Swift called as he stormed into the room. "Shut up."

Everyone went silent at the command since Swift wasn't normally so harsh. Swift stalked to the front of the classroom and leaned back on the front of his desk. He didn't look well was Remus's first thought. He hadn't shaved and his dark hair shadowed his face. His skin looked pale and his eyes dark as he looked over the class. A pin could have dropped and they would have heard it.

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