Chapter 28: Chapter Twenty-eight

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I fear that I would become worse than Voldemort.

Those words ran through Severus's head as it brought up the image of Harry's eyes in his mind. He was in no doubt that that the man believed that he would succumb and become the monster that he fought. Severus didn't think that was possible as he made his way to Harry's rooms from the dungeons. Yes, Harry had killed but as far as he knew it was all in the defence of others and yet...

Severus knew that there was a darkness to Harry and he shuddered as thoughts pushed into his mind if Harry did become the next Dark Lord. He shook his head to try and dislodge those contemplations as he came to Harry's door.

I fear that I would become worse than Voldemort.

Severus opened the door then paused as he took in the low light of the candles scattered around the room and the fire burning in the hearth. He closed the door as the smell of a roast touched on his nose and he looked over to the kitchen to see something in the small oven that was there. Harry had been cooking and Severus frowned at that. He was unaware that Harry knew how to cook and what looked like the muggle way as well.

"How were the Slytherins?"

Severus started and swirled around to see Harry as he closed the archway from his office behind him. He still hadn't shaved and each day he seemed to age another year as his hair grew out. His short dark hair was starting to curl and Severus couldn't say that he didn't like the new look. It was just different.

"They were noisy," Severus remarked. "I didn't know you had planned dinner? Are you expecting someone?"

"No," Harry replied with a smile as he glided over to him. "He's already here."

"You did this for me?" Severus stuttered in surprise and Harry's smile widened.

Harry settled before him then rested his hands on Severus's hips and he could feel the warmth spread out from that contact. Those hands then slipped up and touched on his skin. Severus mirrored the other man and Harry's lips twitched in amusement. The smell of roast twisted around them as Severus's hands touched on Harry's skin. Taking in the hard muscle and wasn't sure what the other man was seeing in him.

"Yes," Harry whispered, making Severus shiver. "I went down and spoke to the House-elves and they said that you like roast lamb. They were highly offended when I started up the oven. I swear that they have an alarm on it." Severus snorted at that. "I'm sure that they will be making sure my coffee in the morning is just out of my reach."

"You know how to cook?" Severus questioned.

"Since I could reach the stove," Harry replied.

"How long do we have?"

"An hour," Harry answered and gently gilded him back.

"So, we're on a timer," Severus said and flicked Harry's belt open.

"I suppose that we are," Harry laughed and paused long enough to capture Severus's lips in a heated kiss.

Severus's thoughts derailed as Harry's fingers left trails of fire on his skin as they roamed. He gasped when Harry unbuckled his belt then slipped his hand around him. He rocked his hips forward as his own fingers tightened on Harry's waist.

"Bed," Harry whispered in his ear before kissing his neck.

Severus groaned and allowed Harry to step him back to his bedroom. He wasn't sure what had brought this on but he was going to go with it as Harry's fingers played with his balls before sliding his hand back up his cock. Then the bed hit the back of his knees and Harry gave him a push.

He landed with a squeak as he sprawled out and looked up at Harry and his breath caught in his throat. There was a glint in those green eyes as they ran over him. His hair was a mess and his belt was unbuckled which allowed his pants to ride low on his waist and show off the darkness of the hair there. Severus took all that in and the bulge at the front of his pants. He was just as interested as Severus was. Slowly Harry pulled his shirt over his head revealing more toned skin. Severus licked his lips as he took in what was on offer. His eyes lingered on the wand on his belt and that bulge. Harry undid his pants and let them drop and the fact that he wasn't wearing underwear only an afterthought.

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