Chapter 18: Chapter Eighteen

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"Was that wise?" Severus asked as he looked at the bruises on Harry's skin.

"No," Harry grumbled.

"Then why did you go three rounds with boulders?"

"Because it was a childish reaction to inaction," Harry sighed. "And frustration...and because it felt bloody good."

Severus snorted as he stood before Harry with that jar of healing balm in his hand. Harry turned around and Severus started on his back as he applied the balm to the bruises on his skin. Harry turned back around, once Severus was finished, and picked the jar from the teen's fingers.

"Are we continuing our lessons or pointing out my stupidity because that could take a while," Harry complained.

Severus gave Harry a smile and nodded as he pulled out his wand.

"Legilimens," Harry cast.

There was a flicking of images before one was pushed forward. Severus was on his knees before him with a smile on his face before he took Harry's cock in his mouth. Harry ended the spell with a gasp and took a step back. Severus was watching him with glinting black eyes. He raised his wand and cast the spell again. Severus was laid out on his back with Harry between his legs as he pushed forward. Severus moaned as Harry took him in a deep kiss. Harry broke the spell.

"Sneaky bastard," Harry cursed and Severus gave him a sly smile. "That's how you want to play this?"

"Misdirection," Severus intoned, in a fair imitation of Harry.

"Ha!" Harry laughed. "Throwing my words back at me? You can't just play out a porno to distract someone."

"So, you find it distracting?"

Harry gave the younger man a smirk and unbuckled his belt and dropped his pants. Severus's eyes darted down as Harry just wore his underwear. Harry flicked his wand while Severus was distracted. A few images flashed by before Severus pushed forward an image of Harry pinning him to the wall and grabbing his ass. Severus wrapped his legs around Harry's waist. It was a pure fantasy and Harry pushed that to the side. Severus tried to push other images forward but Harry batted each one away.

Harry then pushed forward one of his own memories of going down on an ex-partner's cock. Of swirling his tongue around that hard member and swallowing him down. His memory clear as only a true image could be and Severus's mind blanked out. Harry grabbed a hold of that and pulled forward a memory of Narcissa and Lucius Malfoy. Severus was so startled by Harry's memory that he couldn't regather his thoughts while Harry had brought up one of his.

Lucius and Narcissa were seated at a table with Severus on the other side.

"Narcissa tells me of your talents at potions," Lucius said. "That could get you very far."

"Yes," Severus agreed, feeling trepidation. "I've been looking at a master's course."

"I could find you a master that could teach you any potion that you are inclined to learn," Lucius continued.

"That is a kind offer, sir." Severus replied.

"I would only ask for one thing in return," Lucius said with a smile.

Severus pushed hard and Harry was flung out of his mind. Harry stumbled back and tripped over his pants on the floor. He yelped as he went down hard on the stone floor. He looked up at Severus above him as the boy panted heavily with dark eyes.

"You would have been in Slytherin," Severus blurted out and Harry laughed. "That was underhanded."

"That is how you implant a memory in someone's mind," Harry said, while he rested his hands behind him on the floor.

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