Chapter 16: Chapter Sixteen

Start from the beginning

Voldemort chuckled and Harry threw out a cutting charm when a Death Eater got too close and the man screamed.

"And you worry about my lack of concern for human life," Voldemort laughed.

"What do you want?" Harry demanded.

"The plan was to take you or kill you. Avada Kedavra!"

Harry hit the ground hard as the green spell spun over his head. He jumped to his feet and rushed Voldemort with his sword up. Voldemort brought up a shield and Harry cast a dark spell that smashed into the barrier before him and shattering it into pieces. Voldemort scrambled back as Harry swung in close. The tip of the sword scored a hit to Voldemort's side as blood splattered across the ground. Harry flicked his wand as he spun to the side and Voldemort was flung into the air. Harry ducked down low as spells hit the ground near him from Death Eaters. Then more Aurors flooded in as Voldemort cast a spell to cushion his fall. Death Eaters closed in on Voldemort to give him cover and Harry cursed.

"Hold the ground!" Harry yelled towards the Aurors. "He'd about to break through the wards!"

A loud bang sounded through the Alley as Voldemort tried to tear down the wards the Aurors had placed. Harry rushed forward but had to backpedal quickly as the Death Eaters turned their wands on him. He quickly brought up a shield. Spells smashed into the shield to keep him back from helping the Aurors. He quickly dodged a killing curse as he panted harshly. He could feel warm blood as it flowed down his side. He lifted his wand up and added his magic to the Aurors but he was too late.

Voldemort slammed his magic into the wards and they unravelled. Popping sounded on the air and Harry looked around at the carnage. Voldemort had taken this war to a new level. He'd spilt the blood of wizards and witches. Harry rested the sword point on the ground as he pressed a hand to his bloody side. Warm blood flowing around his fingers.

"That could have been a lot worse."

Harry turned his head and took in Kingsley Shacklebolt beside him. The Auror had kept close to him during the battle.

"That was just the start," Harry told him. "He's given up hiding in the shadows."

Kingsley nodded in agreement before turning, "medic!"

A medic rushed over and Harry stood there while the wizard ran his wand over his side as he closed the wound. Harry gritted his teeth on the pain as he took in the damage to the alley. Medics were seeing to Aurors, civilians and prisoners alike as Harry's eyes lingered on the bodies of both Death Eaters and others. Only three Death Eaters had been arrested and Harry's eyes sort out the man that he'd killed. He looked down at the silver sword in his hand and noticed something. He brought the hilt up and looked at the crest. It amazed him the stupidity or arrogance of Death Eaters as he lowered the sword tip to the ground once more. Kingsley patted his shoulder before drifting off with the medic.

He knew that this would be in the evening newspaper as his eyes caught on a few reporters being held back. Voldemort had made his first big move and Harry had been in the middle of it. Dean Albert was going to hit the roof when he found out.


Albus looked up when the noise in the Hall dimmed then stared. Harold Swift walked between the Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff table with a slight limp. He had blood and dirt on his clothes and held a sword in his hand. Albus stood quickly with wide eyes. There was a hard look in Harry's eyes and at that moment Albus felt a bolt of fear go through him. He noticed Severus jumping up from the Slytherin table but Harry's eyes were locked on Albus.

"Oh, my." Minerva gasped as she held a hand to her mouth while she stood next to Albus.

"Professor Swift," Albus uttered then trailed off.

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