Chapter 10: Chapter Ten

Start from the beginning

"If you have the time," Albert answered. "Seemed like a straight forward attack."

"Testing the waters? Response time?"

"Possibly," Albert agreed and looked at Severus. "I hope you have a hard stomach."

"I'm sure he'll be fine," Harry remarked. "He's used to potions."

Albert laughed at that and Severus felt a little faint. They spoke about raids and death so casually.

"Is there something that the Aurors were concerned about?" Harry pressed.

"'Something dark' was what Greengrass said," Albert replied with a shrug. "With them, it could have been anything but you should be able to find out."

Albert wrote something out on a piece of paper and held it out to Harry and he took it in his hand. Albert then settled his eyes on Severus.

"Welcome to the Department of Mysteries, Mr Snape." Albert stated. "I'm sure that Harry will catch you up on everything that you need to know."

"Dumping ground of the Ministry," Harry remarked with a smirk towards Albert. "He's all caught up now."

"Get out, Swift." Albert snapped and Harry chuckled.

"Come on, Severus." Harry said mildly. "Albert can only take me in small doses."

Albert muttered something under his breath but Severus could tell there was no heat to it as they left the office. He fell into step with Harry as they walked back out of the Ministry. They headed up to London this time before Harry pulled out the note that Albert had written. Harry grabbed Severus's shoulder and apparated. Severus stumbled on his first step then looked up at the crumbling building before him. It was taped off and a bored looking man stood out the front in muggle clothes. He could tell that there were wards in place for the simple fact that the muggles weren't paying attention to them or the building.

"Luckily it was only twelve," Harry remarked as he walked towards the man as he pulled something out of his jacket. "Harold Swift, Department of Mysteries."

"Really?" The man asked in surprise.

"That's what the badge says," Harry snapped as he held up said badge. "Have the bodies been removed?"

"Not yet, sir." The man replied as he flicked his eyes to Severus. "It's nasty."

"Severus, wait here."

Severus wanted to argue but the man on the door gave him a look that held his tongue. The man was a Auror and the look said; wait out here. Severus nodded as Harry stepped under the tape and carefully walked into the crumbling building.

"Trust me," the Auror said to him. "You don't want to see what they did."

Severus nodded and took in the street while he waited.


Harry took in the damage around him and had to agree it was nasty but he'd seen worse. He could still feel the dark magic on the air and he was sure that this had just been a little bit of sport for some Death Eaters. A bit of fun that has cost fourteen people their lives. Head Auror Adrian Fowley noticed him first and headed over.

"Thanks for coming, Harry. We're still processing the scene," Fowley told him. "Happened just after midnight and they warded the area. Took us a while to get through what they'd placed. Twelve muggles dead and five more at the hospital. We lost two Aurors."

"I'm sorry for your losses," Harry responded. "They used a lot of dark magic here."

"Yes," Fowley agreed. "Anything that you can tell us will be helpful."

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