Chapter 8: Chapter Eight

Start from the beginning

"Um," Severus muttered.

"Come on," Swift said and released him. "I could use the company back up to the castle."

Swift started walking and Severus fell into step with the shorter man.

"That's it?" Severus demanded after a few minutes of silence.

"What?" Swift asked. "Should I rage at you about being away from the castle. Give you a month of detentions and loss of points? Drag you in front of the Headmaster?"

Severus looked down at the ground before him. The soft light of the moon and street lights lighting their way. Swift waved his hand and a light sprang up before them as they walked out of town. Severus took in the casual use of wandless magic and felt even more foolish.

"Other teachers would have," Severus grumbled.

"Are you putting me in the same category as 'other teachers'?" Swift asked mildly.


"But believe me to act the same?"

"Why don't you?" Severus blurted out. "You don't take points or give detentions. Is it because you also work for the Ministry?"

"No," Swift answered. "It's better to think through your actions then just face a mindless punishment. Like tonight, you came back to Hogsmeade going against the rules of Hogwarts. Knowing that you could be expelled by your actions. You then stalk your teacher through the dark streets when any unknown amount of danger could have happened to you. Not to mention after you told me that Lucius Malfoy was not in fact Malfoy. You were aware of the dangers of not only Death Eaters but the Dark Lord himself and yet you still did it."

Swifts words hit Severus harder than any blow as he thought through his actions. That was what Swift did, he made you face your errors. Laid them bare without sugar coating them.

"That also makes me look deeper into your actions," Swift continued. "You are a smart man, Severus. You were aware of all of what I've laid out but still went ahead with it. Why?"

"You," Severus blurted out as he blushed.

"You believed that I needed the help of a student?" Swift questioned.

"No," Severus stated.

Swift stopped on the path and Severus was forced too as well. The small ball of light bobbed in mid-air as they stood there. Swift's face was cast into shadows but he was sure those sharp eyes were seeing through him.

"Ah," Swift mused. "You were concerned about me."

Severus looked away but the words hadn't been said in condescension, just pure statement. Swift started walking again and they made their way in silence for some time.

"You're not going to say anything else?" Severus demanded. "Mock my concern?"

"Why should I?" Swift said.

"Say that it's weak and unwanted?"

"I don't mind it," Swift stated, which surprised Severus. "What does concern me is the fact that you put yourself in danger for me."

Severus swallowed down any retort he had as the castle came closer.

"What side are you on?" Severus whispered.

"That's an interesting and dangerous question," Swift remarked. "It also alludes to the fact that there are sides. That there is a black and white view to the unspoken conflict around us."

"You can't just give a straight answer, can you?" Severus grumbled and Swift laughed.

"And what side of this conflict are you on, Severus?"

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