Chapter 4: Chapter Four

Start from the beginning

"What do you mean?" Severus asked.

"A true master of Legilimency will not cast the spell," Harry answered as he sunk further back in the lounge while Severus ate the chocolate. "To protect your mind, you will have to master Occlumency until it is second nature to you. Something instinctive."

"How do I do that?"

"First," Harry said. "You have to train your mind to repeal the spell in its spoken form. Get a taste of it, you could say."

They fell into silence while Harry consumed the chocolate bar in his hand. He could feel Severus's eyes on him but he just stared into the fire before him. He didn't want to look too closely at the images that he'd gleamed from Severus's mind. He had enough dark thoughts in his own mind.

"Have you been placed under the Imperius curse?" Harry asked into the silence.

"No, sir." Severus said softly. "Have you?"

"Yes," Harry said. "Many times, in fact."

Severus shivered next to him and Harry glanced over at him.

"Just what do you want?" Harry asked suddenly.

"I don't know," Severus answered and Harry could hear the truth. "I'm not sure."

"You are intelligent and know how to apply that knowledge to many subjects," Harry commented easily as he toed off his shoes. "From what I've heard. Your skills in potions have placed you above many in this school and you tell me you don't know what you're going to do with your life?"

Severus shrugged his shoulder and it was the most dismissive answer that Harry had ever gotten from him. He looked at the young man and got the feeling that Severus believed that his life wasn't his choosing. That it was already mapped out for him.

"Shall we try again?" Harry offered.

"Yes, sir." Severus agreed and stood from the lounge.

Harry pushed himself up with soft groan and pulled his wand. He looked into Severus's eyes as he cast the spell. He took it gently this time but was still flooded with images. This time, Harry grabbed a hold of one of them. It was Severus's first day at school. He could feel Severus fighting back against him as the memory played out. Harry cut off the spell when the hat called out Severus's house.

Severus stood before him with blazing black eyes, some of his limp hair had escaped the band holding it back and fell around his face, casting it into shadows. His breathing was ragged but he was still on his feet.

"Centre yourself," Harry commanded. "I could feel you fighting back. Again, legilimens."

Images flashed and Harry picked one at random and wished he hadn't. Tobias Snape stood tall before the trembling child of eight as Severus tried to crawl away from his father. The smell of alcohol was strong on the air.

"No!" Severus yelled and Harry let the spell go.

Severus was on his knees before him, wide eyed and pale. Harry lowered his wand and placed it away. He held his hand out towards Severus and the boy shrunk back at the move before a stubborn light came into his eyes. The teen shot to his feet and glared down at Harry. There was a fire in his eyes that drew you in as Harry let his hand fall to his side. He knew that kind of defence.

"Do you want me to do something about that?" Harry asked.

"No," Severus spat.

"Very well," Harry conceded. "I believe that will do for today. See me tomorrow after dinner."

"Yes, sir."

"My office next time," Harry added.

"Yes, sir."

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