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All of you were done with the visit and official work by noon. Now, you set free all the employees to let them enjoy. You released a relaxed sigh when you saw them fading from your vision.

"Oh, I want to rest." You told yourself and headed to your resort.

You entered your suite and all the memories of last night flashed before your eyes. You remembered about him and wished to check on him.

You headed to his room and knocked. You waited for a good ten minutes but he didn't open the door, neither did he respond. You grew worried and knocked again.

You sighed in relief after hearing faint footsteps. He opened the door, he looked pale but still better than last night.

"Are you feeling better? Do you need anything?" You asked him politely but he pulled you inside and shut the door. You widened your eyes.

"Now, why the fuck would you do that?" You asked.

"You are so noisy, Y/n. Relax!" He spoke and gulped down water from the glass.

"My bad! I was trying to be nice to you." You replied.

"I'm sorry. You were talking while standing at the door, but I thought we should talk inside comfortably." He said and sat on the couch.

"You could've just asked me to come in, nicely." You rolled your eyes.

"That'd be too nice of me." He laughed.

"You're back to your annoying and mean self. I think you're doing well now." You spoke while looking around.

"I'll just leave. I just came to check on you." You told.

"So, you were worried for me?" He smirked. You faked a smile.

"Not at all. You're my employee, so you're my responsibility. It's just a professional thing, you know?" You spoke and began to head out but he held your hand stopping you on your tracks.

"What?" You questioned.

"Thank you for the last night." He answered slightly rubbing your palm with his thumb. Your cheeks grew red.

"Yah! It sounds so wrong!" You yelled at him with a reddened face and he couldn't help but laugh.

"What are you thinking? I'm just thanking you for taking care of me last night." He answered.

"You're so stupid, Taehyung!" You replied and walked out.

He ran behind to catch up with you.

"Now what, Mr. Nuthead?" You asked while keeping on walking.

"Would you like to go for a coffee?" He asked and winkedt at you.

"Look at you being so shameless!" You replied.

"What's shameless in this Y/n, come on!" He told like a baby holding your arm and shaking it trying to convince you.

"I'm your Boss, how the hell are you so audacious to ask me for a coffee?" You chuckled in sarcasm.

"What's wrong with that? Where is it written that a Boss and employee can't go for a coffee together?" He asked with a pout which made you blink your eyes multiple times.

"But why would you go for a coffee with me?" You asked.

"Because I want to have coffee with you." He replied.

"Why do you want to have it with me? You've multiple friends, why not with them?" You questioned again and he rubbed his forehead trying to be as polite as he could.

You placed your palm on his forehead to check if he's a fever because he was definitely not behaving like a sound person.

"What are you doing?" He asked removing your palm from his forehead.

"Nothing." You replied shrugging your shoulders.

"Oh my god Y/n! You're so boring and dumb. My bad!" He sighed in annoyance and left.

"Yah! I'll fire you!" You yelled at his fading figure and then stomped off to your suit.

You tucked yourself in the bed and slept for an hour. You woke up all fresh. You changed and decided to go out.

You informed Jeong Min and then, left to wander around the beautiful place.

You visited Brandenburg Gate and Easy Side Gallery. You felt relaxed after so long. You randomly entered a cafe, since you really loved its interior.

You took a seat and soon, the waiter arrived to take your order.

"I'll just have a Bonanza Coffee. I heard it's pretty popular here." You spoke and waiter smiled and nodded. He immediately left to get your order prepared.

Meanwhile, you waited and looked around the cafe. You really liked the vibe.

"Y/n?" You heard a familiar voice but you couldn't recognise the owner. You turned around in the direction of the voice.

"You're Y/n, I'm right." She chuckled in disbelief. You stood up. It's Joo Na Ri Unnie.

"My goodness! You're one audacious piece! How can you  have fun after doing that to us? You're such a shameless person!" She spoke infuriatedly. You couldn't bring yourself to speak up.

"You don't deserve to be happy, you don't deserve to smile. You don't deserve anything that you have! Just go and die!" She picked up the glass of water kept on your table and splashed it right in your face. People sitting around, began to record you two.

"Unnie." You called out softly, only to receive daggers from her eyes.

"Don't you address me with that! Don't! Shameless woman! I hope you are never happy throughout your life." She cursed you out loud and was about to slap you when a firm arm appeared in front of you and resisted Na Ri Unnie from slapping you.

You turned around and saw Taehyung.

"Don't touch her." He spoke shaking her hand away.

"Taehyung? What are you doing here?" You asked all flustered and worried.

"Who are you to meddle in between?" She stepped forward.

"You don't need to know that but if you touch her again, you'll really know who am I!" He replied glaring at her.

"Taehyung, stop it! Just go! I'll sort it out!" You told trying to push him out of the cafe but it was futile. He was too strong for you to push away.

"Do you know what has she done? Don't defend her if you don't know anything." Na Ri Unnie yelled.

"Unnie, please stop it. I'm leaving. Please!" You begged her.


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