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"Leave my hand! People will get the wrong idea, you nutjob!" You shrieked and he broke into laughter. Your nagging didn't stop him from dragging you.

He finally stopped in front of your suite. You sighed in relief.

"You're unbelievable. Why would you drag me all around like that?" You asked annoyed.

"I was just trying to lighten up things." He replied, with the redness of his face now fading.

"Rest. Your face is getting better. I think you will be fine by tomorrow." You told him opening the door which led to your suite. He entered and looked around.

"Your bed." You pointed at the bed facing glass windows and he immediately headed towards it.

"Where's your stuff? Don't you want to change?" You asked.

"Smarty pants, do you want your employees to know that I'm sleeping in your suite?" He taunted.

"Why do you keep on talking to me informally?" You smacked your lips.

"Because we are of the same age." He replied taking off his shirt and putting his well-built body on display.

"Yah, Why the fuck are you undressing!" You asked widening your eyes as heat rose in the atmosphere.

"I'm feeling extremely hot and uncomfortable due to the reaction. Don't try to molest me in the middle of the night." He replied dramatically and you scoffed in disbelief.

"Why would I molest you?" You asked in a state of confusion and frustration.

"Then, why are you staring at my body like a hungry predator?" He asked with a pout covering himself with his arms defensively.

"What? Hungry predator? Are you crazy?" You scoffed in sarcasm.

"Admit it. You are hardly able to resist me." He teased.

"Even if you will be the last man on this earth, I still would not be attracted to you! You're not at all my style!" You replied and shot death glares at him.

You came back out of the bathroom after changing and headed to your bed. Before that, you decided to check on him once.

He was fast asleep. He slept like a bear in hibernation. His sleeping face was extremely calm and peaceful. Involuntarily, a smile crept up to your lips.

"Be fine by tomorrow morning, nutjob." You wished and headed to sleep.


You woke up when you heard several knocks on your door. Taehyung was fast asleep. You sighed and went to see who was it. You opened the door and found Jeong Min.

"What do you want?" You asked irritated.

"Ma'am, it's 8 already. We were waiting for you in the lobby but you didn't come. Remember, we have the branch tour today?" He spoke waking you up to the reality.

"Oh my god! I overslept. Take all of them to the branch, I'll see you there." You said and headed back inside the suite. Unfortunately, you left the door open in haste.

"Ma'am, is someone sleeping with you?" Jeong Min asked when you were heading to the bathroom. You stopped in your tracks. You turned around and saw him peeking inside your room.

"No. Why would someone sleep with me?" You laughed like a maniac.

"But, I do see someone on that bed." He spoke with a pout when you walked in his direction to close the door. You were almost saved when Taehyung woke up and called you out.

"Who's at the door?" You sighed in defeat. The end! Jeong Min is going to lose his shit.

"Woah! It's a man! Wait! It's Mr. Taehyung? Boss, you slept with him? This is a breaking news!" He spoke in a single breath, entering inside.

"You! How can you enter inside my personal space without my permission?" You asked mad, but he completely ignored your existence and headed straight to Taehyung's bed.

Taehyung was still sleepy and it took him a good five minutes to realise, what was happening.

"Woah! I'm right, this is Mr. Taehyung! This was the most unexpected couple." He exclaimed moving around in shock.

"Jeong Min! Shut up!" You yelled making him flustered.

"He was not well, so I just let him sleep here so that he is comfortable and can rest well." You told him and he nodded.

"If I hear anyone talking about this, you're a dead meat." You warned him and he nodded in response.

"Yes ma'am. Don't worry." He chuckled.

"Why do you two forget I'm your boss? You can't joke around me, okay?" You spoke crashing your eyebrows, making both of them laugh at you again.

"Oh god! You two test my patience for real!" You spoke through gritted teeth and walked away.

"Now, get out of here, you two! I'll see you in the lobby." You spoke entering the shower while Jeong Min headed out.

Taehyung was heading to his room as well, but he stopped for a minute. He thought about something and headed to your bed. He found a few pens and sticky notes inside the bedside table, coincidentally.

'Thank you, Tomato. I would like to rest more, is it okay for me to not visit the branch today? I'll manage it somehow. Bye!' He left the sticky note on your phone's screen and left for his room.

You came out of the shower in ten minutes and quickly changed into some formal wear. You were about to pick up your phone when you saw the sticky note. Unconsciously, a grin crept upon your plum lips. A second later, you were giggling at the most unfunny thing in the world, a mere sticky note.

"Yah, Kim Y/n. Get your act together. This guy is playing with your mental health. Look at you, laughing over a sticky note. Aish!" You talked to yourself while slightly slapping your cheeks.

You immediately headed to the lobby and greeted everyone.

"Let's head to the branch, now." You told and everyone followed you to the taxis parked outside the resort.

Everyone got inside the taxi and reached the Berlin branch in twenty minutes.


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