Bonus Chapter - How Dev and Thierry Met

Start from the beginning

When the seventh week was about to hit, someone stole his bag. He was lucky his wallet wasn't there, but everything else was. He ran trying to catch the guy, but he disappeared. Cyrus sat down on a bench. He couldn't even feel at that moment. Just an emptiness and the sense that he finally lost everything. He stood there for ten minutes, apathetic, and then he finally cried. He cried a lot. When he no longer could see because of his tears, he felt someone touching his shoulder.

"Here, kid. Dry those tears". An old lady, with white hair and a big smile, looked at him and offered a handkerchief.

"I didn't know people still carried handkerchiefs", He laughed and dried his tears.

"I saw you sleeping some nights on this bench".

"Yes. Sorry. I won't come back anymore".

"That's not the problem. The bench is public, you can sleep there".

"Thank you".

"Why are you crying?"

"I lost the last things I had left".


"Yeah. Now I just have some couple bucks and my documents. At least that I didn't lose. Ah, and the clothes I'm wearing".

"That would make anyone cry".


"You see, young boy, I was in dire need of someone who could take care of my shop during the night, and, preferentially, work during the day too. If you wish I have a small room on the back and a bathroom, it even has a shower. Are you interested?"

"Don't you think it's not safe to ask that to a total stranger?"

"Oh! You're right. I'm Millie, and you are?"

Cyrus laughed.

"I'm Cyrus".

"Nice to meet you, young men. You remind me a lot of my grandson. But he is much smaller".

He laughed again. The woman turned his mood 180º.

"Thank you ma'am. I'll take your proposition, and thank you for the trust".

That's how he moved into a room in the back of the bookstore Dear Kafka. It was a claustrophobic room filled with books and other boxes. The small bathroom had no mirror, so Cyrus couldn't shave, but it was better than sleeping on the bench. After some time, he started working in the sandwich store next door also. He would work in the morning in the bookstore, and in the afternoons - while the woman's grandson worked there - he worked at the sandwich store. He was saving money now. He didn't want to go back to the streets if something happened. He couldn't count on the kindness of people, because something would always happen. And in a blink of an eye, he would be back on the streets, with nothing to call his own.

And then that kid appeared. He already gave up on his dream of being a movie director, but that boy had to mess with his heart and reignite his hope. But that only lasted for a few seconds and he came back to his senses. That kind of opportunity only happened in dreams. And that was reality. No one could come and bring his dead dream back to life, to give him an opportunity that would change his life for good. So he said no. No to the illusion. To the fake hopes.

Three days later, Thierry came back.

"I'm asking again for half an hour of your time". He said.

"Sorry, kiddo. I'm working", Cyrus answered, the polite smile.

"Ask your manager. You can give half an hour to the new boss".

Cyrus asked the manager who confirmed. The kid was really the new owner.

"I think I have half an hour for the new owner", He answered when he got back.

"First. Make us three sandwiches. I'm waiting for a guest".

"Okay", he smiled, falsely.

As he finished the sandwiches, a man wearing an overcoat, a hat, sunglasses and a mask entered. He looked too fancy for the place, and too mysterious to be a normal person. The kid greeted him, and the man sat beside him.

"Here are the sandwiches, boss", He said, sarcastically.

"Thank you, now sit down".

He sat.

"Let me introduce you to my friend", as he said that, the man took out the glasses and mask, "This is the director Quinton Taras. He has been really interested in your work and would like to work with you".

"Nice to meet you. I saw your work and I found it really promising. Antoine asked me to be your mentor and I thought it was a great idea. I believe we could do great things together".

Cyrus was ecstatic. In front of him was one of his favorite directors, and he was proposing to be his mentor and to work together in movies.

"Am I dreaming?", he asked out loud by mistake. Quinton laughed, but thought it was cute such a giant man with beard and all asking if he was dreaming. "I am sorry. I spoke my thoughts out loud".

"Sorry if I wasn't very believable last time. It's not plausible to have a teenager leading a multinational. But here I am. And I'm professionally interested in you, and would really like to have you on my team. Of course, you can choose to stay here and keep making sandwiches. But your movies are much better than sandwiches''.

"Sorry for not believing you last time. I'm interested in going back to making movies, and I'd love to work with you".

That same day, they signed the contract. And that's how their relationship started. First, as a contractual relationship, that became friendship, then best friends and then the complicated state they are in today. And we wonder: what will happen in the future?

[Autor Note

This part of the story was not planned on the original development of the story, but one day I just had the sudden thought that Thierry met Cyrus while he was working on a sandwich shop and basically living on the streets. So I decided to write it and publish as a bonus chapter. If there is anyone interested in knowing more about side characters or details there are not written in the main story, be welcomed to ask. I'll answer as soon as I read the comments.

I hope you are enjoying this story and feedbacks are totally welcomed.]    

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